1.alternatives---other options 其他的选择
What alternatives are there?
You can be paid in cash weekly or by cheque monthly; those are the two alternatives.
We can't offer you the raise you requested, but let's discuss some other alternatives.
2.amplify---expand; give more information 进一步叙述,阐发
You may need to amplify this point.
3.arbitration---conflict that is addressed by using a neutral third party 仲裁;公断
Both sides in the dispute have agreed to go to arbitration.
4. bargain---try to change a person's mind by using various tactics 商讨条件
In the market dealers were bargaining with growers over the price of coffee.
5.bottom-line---the lowest one is willing to go 底线,可接受的最低价格
Two thousand─and that's my bottom line! 两千块--不能再低了!
I'll accept a raise of one dollar per hour, but that's my bottom-line.
6. collective---together 集体的;共有的;共同的
collective leadership/decision-making 集体领导╱决策
collective responsibility 共同责任
7. compensate---make up for a loss 补偿;弥补
Her lawyers say she should be compensated both for her injuries and for the suffering she had been caused.
8.comply---agree 遵从;服从;顺从
They refused to comply with the UN resolution.
9.compromise---changing one's mind/terms slightly in order to find a resolution (为达成协议而)妥协,折中,让步
Neither side is prepared to compromise. 双方都不愿意妥协.
10.concession---a thing that is granted or accepted 让步;妥协
The firm will be forced to make concessions if it wants to avoid a strike.
to win a concession from somebody 取得某人的让步
a major/an important concession 重大的让步