日期:2010-01-13 11:07


day person:白天精力充沛、兴致勃勃的人
a person who prefers to be active during the daytime. (Compare this with a night person.)

例句:I am strictly a day person. Have to be in bed early.

day one:第一天,一开始
the very beginning; the very first day. (*Typically: from ~; since ~.)

You haven't done anything right since day one! You're fired!

She was unhappy with her new car from day one.

day in and day out 或者 day in, day out: 一天又一天(天天)
on every day; for each day.

She watches soap operas day in and day out.

They eat nothing but vegetables, day in, day out.

dawdle over something:在(某事上)浪费(时间),闲混(时间),虚度(光阴);在(工作)中拖拖拉拉,慢吞吞地干(工作等),拖延;偷懒
to waste time when one should be doing a particular task; to loaf while doing something.

Don't dawdle over your makeup, we don't want to be late for the concert.


Don't dawdle over your hamburger.

The lunch period ends in two minutes. Don't dawdle over it. Get it done.

Dad fetch my buttons! 天啊,真没想到.与What a surprise!; Goodness me! 意思相同.

Dad fetch my buttons! It's a letter from Aunt Rita!


Dad fetch my buttons, I never was so happy in all my life!


eke something out:解释:增补,补充,弥补...的不足;勉强维持(生活),竭力维持(生计),设法过(活)
to extend something; to add to something.

He worked at two jobs in order to eke his income out.

He managed to eke out a living.

egg someone on:怂恿,煽动
to encourage, urge, or dare someone to continue doing something, usually something unwise.

John wouldn't have done the dangerous experiment if his brother hadn't egged him on.

The two boys kept throwing stones because the other children were egging them on.

He egged her on to throw a stone through the window.

eavesdrop on someone:窃听,偷听
to listen in on people having a private conversation.

I saw her eavesdropping on them. Please don't eavesdrop on me.

eat(en) up with something:沉迷于,热衷于
consumed with something, such as jealously.

Jed was so eaten up with hatred that he couldn't see straight.

Effie was eaten up with jealously.

to eat up with one's own conceit 自负得发昏

eat like a pig (informal):吃的多而且吃相不好
to eat a lot, or to eat noisily and unpleasantly

Christine is one of those lucky people who can eat like a pig and still stay thin.

eat like a bird:吃得极少;饭量很小
to eat very little

We went out for a meal, but she ate like a bird and hardly said a word.

fall into decay:衰败,衰落;腐朽;损坏,倒塌,年久失修
to degenerate; to rot.

The house was very old and had fallen into decay.

The small town fell into decay, and people moved out.

  • urgevt. 驱策,鼓励,力陈,催促 vi. 极力主张 n.
  • strictlyadv. 严格地
  • encouragevt. 鼓励,促进,支持
  • extendv. 扩充,延伸,伸展,扩展
  • informaladj. 非正式的,不拘形式的
  • eavesdropvi. 偷听
  • decayv. (使)衰退,(使)腐败,腐烂 n. 衰退,腐败,腐
  • concertn. 音乐会,一致,和谐 vt. 制定计划,通过协商达成
  • rotn. 腐烂,腐蚀,败坏 v. 腐烂,使 ... 枯朽,衰
  • particularadj. 特殊的,特别的,特定的,挑剔的 n. 个别项目