screw up
1.to mess up 弄糟,弄乱,搞糟
I hope I don't screw up this time. 我希望这次不会搞砸了.
Try again and don't screw it up this time. 再试一次,这次别搞砸了.
2,如果是screw up somebody 或者screw somebody up的结构,意思是to confuse or hurt someone,伤害到某人.
Their parents' divorce really screwed up the kids. 父母的离婚伤害了孩子.
knock it off 别再讲下去了,少来这一套
A: David, knock it off, would you? Your singing is killing me.
A: David, 别唱了, 好吗? 你的歌声简直要我的命!
B: Hey! You're rude.
B: 嘿! 你怎么那么没礼貌啊!
"Knock it off!" 是叫(某人)停止做某事的意思,有"住嘴",少来这一套的意思,
与 "Cut it out!" 和 "Stop it!" 有同样的意思。
1. Knock it off!
2. Why don't you knock it off?
3. Cut it out.=Knock it off.
my ass 才怪!(用于表示强烈的质疑)
A: Honey, this is going to be my last cigarette. I'm not gonna smoke again, I promise.
A: 宝贝, 这将是我最后一支烟.我保证不会再抽了.
B: This is going to be your last cigarette, my ass.
B: 这会是你的最后一根烟? 怎么可能呢.
"my ass" 才怪!(用于表示强烈的质疑)
bound to 一定
A: Ben forgot his map?
A: Ben 忘了带地图了吗?
B: Yep! And he's bound to lose his way.
B: 是的! 他一定要迷路了.
"bound to" 是必定,一定的意思.
例如'你死硬了!'就可以说 "You're bound to die.".
all set 一切准备妥当
A. Is my car ready yet?
A: 我的车好了吗?
B: Yep! We just need to get this paper work done and you'll be all set.
B: 是的! 我们只要把这份“文件”完成, 你就一切都准备妥当了!
有时, 你到超市买东西, 买完要付帐时, 店员也会对你说"Are you all set?"意思是问你是否想买的东西都找到了.
"paper work" 是指像'契约'、'证明'等等之类的文书表格.
hands-off的意思是不插手的, 不干涉的,可以引申为顺其自然的.
He takes a hands-off approach when it comes to raising his children.
Take your hands off me.
Hang in there. 的意思是忍耐一下.
Hang in there. Things will look up soon.
push around 驱使(某人)
A. Kyle, do you think you can rewrite this paper. I don't really like the topic.
A: Kyle, 你想你是不是可以把这个报告重写一遍.我并不是很喜欢那个主题.
B: Hey, I'm only trying to help you out. You shouldn't be pushing me around like this.
B: 嘿! 我是在帮你忙! 你不应该这样指使我!
Give it a shot 试试看
A: It would be so cool if I can win this contest. I don't think I'm good enough, though.
A: 要是我可以赢了这个比赛该有多好.但我知道自己不够好.
B: Give it a shot! You'll never know.
B: 试试看啊! 没试怎么会知道!
cool是很棒的意思.You'll never know是"你不知道会怎么样"的意思.
You goof!