日期:2009-12-21 10:42


the last straw:忍无可忍

来源:大家都知道骆驼比较强壮,可以承担很重的东西.但假如不断往它背上加东西的话,到了一定程度就会达到它所能承受的饱和点,哪怕再多加一根稻草也会使它承受不了.所以,the last straw的意思是忍无可忍,终于使人不能忍受的最后一击.

"All these years I've tried to be a good wife, even though you're lazy, you drink too much and half of the time don't even have a steady job. But when I find out you are spending money on another woman, that's the last straw! I want you out of my house right now and I never want to see you again."


Never heard of such a thing!

Never heard of such a thing!这句口语很常用,意思是从没听说过这样的事,真的假的,不会吧,表示惊讶和怀疑.

Joe: The tax office is now open on Sunday! 税务所周日也上班.

Jenny: Never heard of such a thing! 不会吧,真的假的.

这句口语还可以说成I've never heard of such a thing!

I am not my brother's keeper:这事儿与我无关

I am not my brother's keeper.亦作Am I my brother's keeper? 在口语中可以理解为:这不关我的事,这事儿与我无关,我又不是他的保姆,我怎么会知道?

来源:这句习语来源中圣经中Cain和Abel的故.在Cain谋杀了他的兄弟Abel之后,上帝问他的兄弟在哪, Cain回答道, "I know not; am I my brother's keeper?"

这句习语在生活中很常用,如果有人问你某人在哪里,你如果回答I am not my brother's keeper.或者Am I my brother's keeper?

意思是:"这不关我的事,这事儿与我无关,我又不是他的保姆,我怎么会知道?" 这句话通常带有不耐烦的语气.

A: Where's Robert? 罗伯特哪里去了?

B Am I my brother's keeper? 我怎么会知道?

A: How could you let him run off like that? 你怎么让他跑掉了?

B: I'm not my brother's keeper. 这又不关我的事.

(I've) got to split.我该走了

Jane: Look at the time! Got to split. 看看时间,我该走了.

Mary: See you later, Jane. 再见

Bill: It's getting late. I've got to split. 要晚了,我该走了.

Sue: Okay, see you tomorrow. 好,明天见

Bill: Good night. 晚安

mix things up 换个新花样,尝试新鲜事物

mix things up可以理解为换个新花样,尝试新鲜事物.

Rather than doing the same things, year after year, Santa likes to mix things up and try new ideas and new approaches.


Let's try to mix things up today in our program.


next to nothing:几乎没有,接近于零

She ate next to nothing at dinner.


No wonder she's ill. She eats next to nothing.


Her job's so cushy: she does next to nothing and earns a fortune.


on the back burner 搁置,暂停,处于次要地位

on the back burner的意思是搁置,处于次要地位.由on the back burner的原意:搁在靠后的炉子上(靠边站)引申而来.

She decided to attend Harvard, where she would study political theory and put her acting career on the back burner.


Something urgent has come up, so we put your project on the back burner temporarily.


One sandwich short of a picnic:脑袋少根筋,愚笨

One sandwich short of a picnic:意思是脑袋少根筋,愚笨.笔者也见过'two sandwiches short of a picnic'的说法,但意思都一样.Generally used when telling someone they are really stupid.

类似'an X short of a Y'这样的短语还有很多,都是同样的意思,例如还可以说成one brick short of a load,a few fish short of a hatstand等等.

After talking to him for about 10 minutes I decided he was definitely one sandwich short of a picnic. 我和他谈了10分钟话,觉得他很笨(脑袋缺根筋).

You really are one sandwich short of a picnic aren't you! 你弱智啊?(慎用)

Tread carefully:多加小心,小心行事


The situation is very serious, tread carefully.


If you decide to make the leap, tread carefully.


in no time at all立刻,马上的意思,形容时间短暂

I can't believe I finished my work so fast. It took no time at all .


In no time at all they were standing there.


The wise boy thus gained a fine bag full of marbles in no time at all.


Patrick sympathized, and decided to try the horseradish himself. In no time at all he too was crying.


  • treadn. 踏,踏步板,踏面,胎面花纹,鞋底 v. 踏,行走,
  • fortunen. 财产,命运,运气
  • suevt. 控告,起诉 vi. 请求,追求,起诉
  • splitn. 劈开,裂片,裂口 adj. 分散的 v. 分离,分
  • temporarilyadv. 暂时地,临时地
  • steadyadj. 稳定的,稳固的,坚定的 v. 使稳固,使稳定,
  • actingn. 演戏,行为,假装 adj. 代理的,临时的,供演出
  • minutesn. 会议记录,(复数)分钟