日期:2009-12-14 17:45


We' ll get through this together.

get through:度过难关

eg: A: m so nervous about the final exam. 


B: Don' t worry,you' ll get through it. 


Emily had a hard time adjusting to her new job but she got through this. 


I' m not giving in to anything.

give in:屈服

eg: I asked my boss for a raise for so many times that he eventually gave in.


Ellen' s husband wants to move to Moscow, but she refuses to give in because she hates cold weather.


I just wanted to tell you for old times' sake.

for old times' sake:念在往日情分

eg: Let' s go to Pete' s Restaurant tonight for old times' sake.We haven' t been there since we moved 5 years ago. 


I want to meet up with my college roommates for old times' sake.We have seen each other for so long.


stab a person in the back 背后捅刀; 出卖某人

A: I can't believe my best friend stabbed me in the back.

A: 我不敢相信我最好的朋友竟然出卖我。

B: What happened?

B: 怎么回事?

"stab a person in the back" 和 "sell a person out" 都是出卖某人的意思。和中文语法很像, 应该很好记的。

leave someone alone 不干涉; 听其自然

A: Isn't it about time Jane visited her hairdresser? Her bangs are hanging all over her face now.

A: Jane 该去见她的美发师了吧! 她的刘海都(长到)垂到脸上了。

B: Leave her alone. Maybe she likes to have her eyes covered so she doesn't have to see your face.

B: 你管她! 也许她希望(头发长到)把眼睛盖住, 好看不见你的脸啊!

"leave me alone" 和上一句中的 "Get off my back" 意思很像, 都有要求别人不要管的意思。"hairdresser" 是花时间整理你头发的美发师; "barber" 则是收费低廉, 5分钟就把你的头发剪好送出门的理发师。

Get off my back. 不要管我!

A: Why don't you get off my back? You've been bitching at me all night

A: 你为何不让我一个人安静一下? 你整个晚上都在抱怨我。

B: That's fine. Never talk to me again.

B: 好啊! 你都不要再和我讲话好了。

"bitch" 是母狗的意思, 也有人用来骂凶悍的女子(或所谓的贱货)。 "bitch" 还有抱怨的意思, 抱怨者不必是女生。

"Why are you so bitchy today?"

你今天怎么好像是吃错药似的, 抱怨个不停?

hard feelings 怨气

A: Man, I'm really sorry about what happened last night.

A: 老兄啊! 昨晚的事真是抱歉..

B: It's all right. It's over with. No hard feelings.

B: 没关系。已经过去了。没什么好生气了。

"It's over with" 是已经过去了。结束某种不愉快的情绪, 可以用get over。 如 "I know you were mad at him for what he had done. But, it has been five years. Get over it."

我知道你很气他所作的事, 但是这已经是五年前的事了, 你应该释怀了。

have a crush on 迷恋某人

A I'm having this huge crush on Ted. I'm going to try and see if I can ask him out this weekend.

A: 我最近好喜欢 Ted 喔! 我想看看能不能约他这个周末出来。

B: Well...But I heard that he is already seeing somebody.

B: 嗯....但是我听说他已经有了交往的对象了。

美国人关于交友的用词和我们有些不同。这里的 "he is seeing somebody" 有可能指他刚正开始和某人交往, 也可能指他和对方已经交往了一阵子。还有一个美国人常用来形容他们的感情状况的字是"relationship"。

windbag (a person who talks too much, especially about boring things)



A: You know what? Howard spent hour talking nonsense to me last night.


B: You poor guy! Everyone knows he's a real windbag.


  • crushv. 压碎,碾碎,压榨 n. 压碎,压榨,拥挤,迷恋
  • eventuallyadv. 终于,最后
  • boringadj. 令人厌烦的