日期:2009-10-02 11:25


平日里工作节奏紧张、竞争压力巨大, 一周高强度工作之后,周末约上三五好友去酒吧散散心可能是最好的方式之一了。今天我们就来学习一些社交场合中常常要用到的酒吧英语。先来看几句很实用的句子

1. Do you have any plans for this weekend?
《白领英语900句》周末打算怎么过?这可以成为你发出invitation的一个开头。如果对方说没有,那就可以用Shall we...... Why not...... What about......Let's等发出一系列的邀请了。如果周末已经过了,想问对方周末过得如何,就问How was your weekend?

2. We need to relax. Let's hit the bars.
《白领英语900句》我们需要好好放松一下。我们一起去打酒吧?No, no ,no~这里的hit the bar不是打酒吧的意思,而是我们嘴里常说的泡吧。hit是个很有用的词,如果对方跟你说hit me again。你可千万不要误会成对方叫你打他一拳。hit me again就是"再给我一杯"的意思

3. Give me a scotch on the rocks.
 《白领英语900句》给我杯加冰的苏格兰威士忌。Rocks就是"冰块",on the rocks就是"加冰的"。喝Scotch


1. What would you like to drink?
2. Double tequila sunrise,please
3. I don't like alcohol. It makes my face turn red.
4. I suggest you have a taste of Shanghai cocktail.
5. I can hardly decide what. to drink.
6. I'm afraid Vodka is too strong for me.


1.一般鸡尾酒(highball, martini, margarita)都由一种烈性酒liquor和甜酒liqueur及mix调制而成.
2.liquor: vodka(伏特加)  
4.scotch(苏格兰威士忌whisky, 中文里最常见的牌子"芝华士",就是scotch)  
6.rum(莱姆酒,分三种颜色的莱姆酒:white, amble, dark, 其中属amble rum 最贵,因为加工的工艺较其它复杂)   7.tequila(墨西哥龙舌兰酒)  

A: what would you like as a drink? 你要喝什么?
B: Maybe juice then. I don't like alcohol. It makes my face turn red. 果汁好了。我不喜欢喝酒,我的脸很容易红
A: But you are in a pub right now. Almost all women here know how to drink alcohol. You should learn. 可是你现在在酒吧,这里的女孩几乎都会喝酒。你应该要学着喝。
B: Why do I have to learn? I don't like it. 为什么我要学?我又不喜欢。
A: Because when you go out with people, everybody drinks. And your company will have parties too. If you refuse to drink alcohol, people will think you are too conservative. 因为你和别人出去时,每个人都喝酒。公司也会有聚餐。如果你不喝酒,别人会觉得你太保守。
A: Alright. I will try. What are you drinking? 好吧,我试试看。你喝什么?
B: Gin and tonic. 金汤尼
A: Is it strong? 很烈吗?
B: Average. Not too strong. 普通,不会太烈。
A: I will have one too then. But you must promise not to laugh at my red face. 那么我也来一杯,但是你答应不许笑我脸红。
B: I promise. I'll go to the bar and get two gin and tonics. 我保证。我去吧台叫两杯金汤尼

  • invitationn. 邀请,招待,邀请函,引诱,招致
  • conservativeadj. 保守的,守旧的 n. 保守派(党), 保守的人
  • refusev. 拒绝 n. 垃圾,废物 adj. 无用的
  • alcoholn. 酒精,乙醇,酒
  • tonicn. 补药,奎宁水,[音]主调音或基音, adj. 滋补
  • scotchn. 伤口,刻痕 v. 粉碎,消灭,阻止 v. 弄伤,刻
  • amblen. 溜蹄,缓行漫步 vi. 缓行,溜蹄