日期:2009-06-16 10:27


430. 昨天下午,我们的校长在办公楼二楼的接待室里接待了几位外宾。

[误] Yesterday afternoon our president received several foreign vistitors in the parlor on the second floor of
the Administration Building.

[正] Yesterday afternoon our president received several foreign vistitors in the reception room on the second
floor of the Administration Building.

注:parlor 在美国英语里指私人家里的客厅,也指旅馆里的休息室等房间,但现在已少用。在美国,也用于某些商业性的营业室,如 ice-cream parlo冷饮室,hairdresser\'s parlor,beauty parlor美容室。学校以及其它公共机关里的接待室(或会客室),一般用 reception room。
