日期:2009-03-30 15:24


385. 梅森的辞职对老板来说是正中下怀,他不仅可以除去梅森这个眼中钉,而且还省去了一大笔赔偿费。

[误] Mason\'s resignation well fit his boss\' mind, because he could not only get rid of Mason, a nail in the eye, but also save a large sum of compensation.

[正] Mason\'s resignation well played into his boss\' hands, because he could not only get rid of Mason, a thorn in his flesh, but also save a large sum of compensation.

:play into one\'s hands 源于扑克牌游戏,意指打出的牌正是对方想要的,而且多含“中了对方的圈套”之意,因而用在这里十分贴切。“眼中钉”在英语中也有对应的表达,即 a thorn in one\'s flesh。

  • resignationn. 辞职,辞呈,顺从
  • masonn. 泥瓦匠 Mason: 共济会会员
  • thornn. 刺,荆棘
  • compensationn. 补偿,赔偿; 赔偿金,物