1 Amanda. I just transferred in.
Transfer还可以用来表示公司部门间和不同子公司间的“调动”,还有运动员在不同俱乐部间的转会。例如:I want to be transferred to the head office. Neither player wants a transfer.
Dan的回答很冷:I’m Dan. I… I just assaulted you. 我叫Dan。我……我刚撞了你……
2. Break-ups are easy. It’s having to see them date someone else that’s hard. Why do you think I rub it in Chuck’s face every chance I get.
Rub someone’s nose in it/ in the dirt是什么意思呢?在口语中,其表示:1)由于对某人心怀怨恨,而不停地在某人面前提其过错或者揭某人伤疤,或者2)幸灾乐祸地不断提醒对方正处于不利境地的事实。这里Blair说成了rub it in Chuck’s face,并不影响理解。听说这个表达方式源自于通过不停地摩擦狗鼻子以示惩罚的行为。
So I made a mistake! I wish you’d stop rubbing my nose in it.
Rubbing my nose in it is not going to correct the mistake.
说道批评别人,有一个习语挺有趣的,就是pick holes in,意思就是“挑刺,挑毛病,找不痛快”,比如:Why do you always have to pick holes in everything I say?
关于nose,中文所说的“在某人的眼皮底下干什么勾当”在英语中是 do something right under someone’s nose.。