日期:2008-09-15 17:03


201. 爸爸给这张桌子上了一层新漆。

[误] Daddy painted the desk with a layer of paint.

[正] Daddy painted the desk with a coat of paint.

:layer 和 coat,虽然翻译成中文都是“层”,但用法却不同。如:Onions have layers(洋葱是一层一层的),但涂上一层油漆却要用 coat。

A layer of smog settled over the city.
The cake has three layers.
These seeds must be covered with a layer of earth.
A layer of ice on the street.

You must put another coat of paint on this door.
Two coats of painting were needed to cover the old colour.
A coat of dust

  • layern. 层 vi. 分层 vt. 将某物堆积成层 n
  • settledadj. 固定的;稳定的 v. 解决;定居(settle