一般事情发生之前都会出现一些风吹草动,表露一些迹象。这个可以用 a straw in the wind 来形容。
一些记者在写经济或政治新闻的时候经常用这个俗语。我们先来举个例子看看到底a straw in the wind在句子里是怎么用的:
Economic experts said today that the increase in auto sales the last 30 days is a straw in the wind that the nation's economy is beginning to recover from the brief recession.
A straw in the wind 这个说法的来源可能和农民的习惯有关。要是你去过农村的话,你就知道农民经常把一把草往空中一扔,以此来看风往那个方向吹。逐渐地,a straw in the wind这个说法就应用到生活的各个方面,成为“某件事的发展迹象“了。
I wish we had a good idea of how the voters feel about us. The only straw in the wind I see is that a lot more people are registering to vote this time. But is that good or bad for us?