日期:2008-06-10 09:24


60. 我在新闻片里看到你站在总裁的身旁。

[误] I saw you stand by the president in the newsreel.

[正] I saw you stand beside the president in the newsreel.

注:stand by someone 的意思是“支持某人”(to support someone);to stand beside someone 才是“立于某人
旁边”(to stand by the side of someone)。但是,如果 stand by 后面的宾语不是人,那倒是可以与 stand beside 互换,表示“在...之旁”,例如:Their house stands by a forest(他们的房子在森林旁边)。除此之外,stand by 还有“袖手旁观”之意,例如:How can you stand by and watch while your allies are attacked?(当你们的盟友受到攻击时,你们怎能袖手旁观呢?)
