日期:2008-05-28 22:42


25. 先生,您是不是迷路了?

[误] Hello, monsieur, get lost?

[正] Hello, monsieur, got lost?

注:这两句译文表面上看只是时态上存在差异,其实它们的含义也截然不同。get lost 是俚语:“走开,别捣乱”

的意思,got lost才是“迷路”。难怪当你友好地问外宾"Get lost?"时,他并不领情呢!

(1) get lost!: go away
"I wish he'd get lost and stop bothering me. I don't want to talk to him!"
---Dennis Oliver's Idioms:

(2) Get lost! INFORMAL
used to tell someone forcefully and quite rudely to go away:
Tell him to get lost!
(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)

We got lost in the woods. 我们在森林中迷路了。
(4) 张道真《现代英语用法词典》p.820-821:
He lost his bearing(迷失方向)in the strange city.
(5) 在...中迷路,迷失在...
We were lost in the forest.
We are lost in the woods.

* lost one'e way 迷路

She had lost her way.
Don't lost your way in the storm.
get lost 为“迷路”;而“金山词霸2005”把“get lost”和“got lost”均列为“迷路”。但都没有例句。

1) to get lost(常用)
I wouldn't have gotten lost, if I had asked for directions.

2) to lost one's way(正式)
The child had lost his way.

3) to take the wrong road(不常用)
Finally we found ourselves having taken the wrong road.

4) to go the wrong way(常用)
I am afraid we are going the wrong way.

5) so lose one's bearings(正式)
One might lose his bearings in an unfamiliar place.

6) can't find one's way(常用)
They went on in the desert until at last they couldn't find their way.

7) to stray(正式)
They strayed in the woods.

(to go astray:走入迷途,走上歧途)

Today I came across get lost in The Invisible Man ---H. G. Wells:
"I'm not trying to run away, I swear," protested Marvel tearfully. "I don't know these roads and I don't want
to get lost."

  • informaladj. 非正式的,不拘形式的
  • definev. 定义,解释,限定,规定
  • marveln. 奇异的事物,罕见的例子 v. 惊异于,惊异
  • unfamiliaradj. 不熟悉的
  • rudelyadv. 无礼地,粗鲁地,粗陋地
  • advancedadj. 高级的,先进的
  • strayn. 走失的家畜,浪子 adj. 迷途的,偶然的 vi.
  • invisibleadj. 看不见的,无形的 n. 隐形人(或物品)