Hot 就是热,air就是空气。Hot air合在一起就成了热空气。而作为俗语,hot air 的意思就是“夸夸其谈,吹牛”,看来吹得真不是一般厉害,连空气都热了,能量不小啊。我们来举个例子吧:
Most candidates make promises during a campaign to win voters’ support. But many promises are nothing but hot air. After the candidates get elected, they tend to forget most of the things they promised to achieve.
That man at the party yesterday didn't have any idea what he was talking about. He blew a lot of hot air about health and nutrition. He didn’t know that both of us have been practicing medicine for more than thirty years.
这个片语还可以这样用:full of hot air,比如:Pay no attention to Howard--he's full of hot air. 别理霍华德,他总是夸夸其谈。