I was hoping you wouldn't remember. 我正希望你没想起来。
I remember the day I got my first pay check. 我还记得我拿第一份薪水的那天。
Why's he getting my books? 他为什么拿走我的书?
It is fine for a first job. 对于第一份工作而言,算不错的了。
You guys can pee standing up. 你们男人可以站着撒尿。
You know what blows my mind? 你知道什么让我最妒忌吗?
You know what I don't get? 你知道我不明白的是什么吗?
No plans, huh? 没有计划?
Not a one! 一个都没有。
I finally get up the courage to do it. 最后我鼓起勇气去做。
Why do you have to break up with her? 为什么非要和她分手?
Be a man, just stop calling her. 争气点,不要打电话给她了。
If you want, I'll do it with you. 如果你愿意的话我可以跟你一起做。
They are ganging up on me. 他们联合起来对付我。
He burns me up. 他真让我生气。
I hate when my father calls me that. 我受不了我爸爸这样叫我。
Are you gonna go over there? 想过去吗?
I don't wanna seem too eager. 我不想显得太急。
You don't say. (你不用说)我可以看出来。
Was that not clear? 那还不够清楚吗?