第十四课: 导游
Lesson 14: The Tour Guide
各位听众朋友好。欢迎您收听“旅游业英语”的第十四讲。我是澳大利亚澳洲广播电台中文部的节目主持人马健媛。在第十三讲中我们复习了一些非常有用的句型并学习了表示时间的 一些不同说法。在这一课中,我们要学习有关自我介绍的正式及非正式说法,服务业中一些职务的英语名称及如何说服或取信于你的顾客。在这一课的情景对话中,蒙纳女士和怀特先生与利奥推荐的导游见了面。
Leo: Good afternoon.
Mona: Hi Leo. Why are you wearing a different uniform? And where is Mr Le?
Leo: Let me introduce myself.1 am Mr Le. Your tour guide.
Jack: Leo, you're a tour guide?
Mona: But you're the hotel receptionist!
Leo: I also work for Five Star Tours.
Mona: I don't understand.
Leo: Please let me explain. l'm saving up to study hotel management in Australia. So l work for Five Star Tours in my spare time.
Leo: Good afternoon.
利奥: 下午好。
Mona: Hi Leo. Why are you wearing a different uniform?And where is Mr Le?
蒙纳: 你好,利奥。你怎么穿了一身不同的制服呢?乐先生在哪里呀?
Leo: Let me introduce myself. I am Mr Le. Your tour guide.
利奥: 让我自我介绍一下。我就是乐先生,你们的导游。
Jack: Leo, you're a tour guide?
杰克: 利奥,你怎么变成了导游呢?
Mona: But you're the hotel receptionist!
蒙纳: 你不是酒店前台的接待员吗?
Leo: I also work for Five Star Tours.
利奥: 我同时也为五星旅游公司工作。
Mona: I don't understand.
蒙纳: 我真不明白这是怎么回事。
利奥: 请听我的解释。我现在正为了到澳大利亚学习酒店管理专业而存钱,所以我业余时间还为五星旅游公司打工。
Leo: Please let me explain. l'm saving up to study hotel managementin Australia. So I work for Five Star Tours in my spare time.
Leo: Let me introduce myself. I am Mr Le. Your tour guide.
利奥: 让我自我介绍一下。我就是乐先生,你们的导游。
Let me introduce myself是英语中自我介绍时比较正式的一种说法,而比较随意的一种说法就是直接说出自己的姓名或者身份,例如:“I am Leo,your tour guide”。请注意听录音并跟着重复。
Let me introduce myself. l'm Leo. Your tour guide.
Eng: l'm Joe. Your driver.
Eng: l'm Emma. The Cashier.
Eng: l'm Ellia. Your interpreter.
Leo: Good afternoon.
Mona: Hi Leo. Why are you wearing a different uniform? And where is Mr Le?
Leo: Let me introduce myself.l am Mr Le. Your tour guide.
Jack: Leo, you're a tour guide?
Mona: But you're the hotel receptionist!
Leo: I also work for Five Star tours.
Mona: I don't understand.
Leo: Please let me explain. l'm saving up to study hotel managemer in Australia. So l work for Five Star Tours in my spare time
第十四课: 导游
Lesson 14: The Tour Guide
Mona: l'm still not sure about this.
Leo: Let me assure you, Ms White. I have a tourism qualification, and l've been doing this job for seven years
Mona: But..
Leo: I know all the best tours in the city!
Jack: l'm sure you do, Leo. We would love you to be our tour guide_..Wouldn't we, Mona?
Mona: I suppose so.
Leo: Thank you Ms White, Mr Webber.
Jack: Call me Jack.
Leo: Thank you, Jack. Now, if you'II just follow me to the lounge. I have some brochures to show you.
Mona: l'm still not sure about this.
蒙纳: 我还是不太明白这是怎么回事。
Leo: Let me assure you, Ms White.I have a tourism qualification,and l've been doing this job for seven years
利奥: 我向您保证,怀特女士,我有导游资历证书,而且我在这个行当里已经工作了七年了。
Mona: But...
蒙纳: 可是......
Leo: I know all the best tours in the city!
利奥: 我知道这个城市中所有最好的旅游路线。
Jack: l'm sure you do, Leo. We would love you to be our tour guide..Wouldn't we, Mona?
杰克: 我相信你,利奥。我们也非常高兴你做我们的导游,是不是这样啊,蒙纳?
Mona: I suppose so.
蒙纳: 我想是吧。
Leo: Thank you. Ms White, Mr Webber.
利奥: 谢谢你们,蒙纳女士和怀特先生。
Jack: Call me Jack.
杰克: 你就叫我杰克好了。
Leo: Thank you, Jack. Now, if you’II just follow me to the lounge.I have some brochures to show you.
利奥: 谢谢您,杰克。好吧,现在请你们跟我一起到那边的客厅去,我想给你们看一些小册子。
Leo: Let me assure you, Ms White.
利奥: 我向您保证,怀特女士。
Leo: I have a tourism qualification...
利奥: 我有导游资历证书,
Leo: and l've been doing this job for seven years.
利奥: 而且我在这个行当里已经工作七年了。
当你耍说服某人或者要取信于某人时,Let me assure you是一个非常有用的句型。但是要特别注意的是这个句型并不可以独立使用,它必须要和一个说明性的从句合在一起才能构成一个完整的句子。请注意听下面给出的中文句子及其英语翻译。
Let me assure you, the fish is fresh today.
Let me assure you, the police have been called.
Leo: Now, if you'II just follow me to the lounge.
利奥: 好吧,现在请你们跟我一起到那边的客厅去。
您注意到if you'II just follow me这句话了吗?在第十二课中,商店的售货员在带领蒙纳去收款台时就用了这个句型。现在利奥在请蒙纳和怀特去客厅时也使用了这个句型。让我们一起来练习,请注意听录音并跟着重复。
lf you'II just follow me.
lf you'II just follow me to the lounge.
lf you'II just follow me to the cashier.
Mona: l'm still not sure about this.
Leo: Let me assure you, Ms White. 1 have a tourism qualification, and l've been doing this job for seven years
Mona: But..
Leo: I know all the best tours in the city!
Jack: l'm sure you do, Leo. We would love you to be our tour guide...Wouldn't we, Mona?
Mona: I suppose so.
Leo: Thank you Ms White, Mr Webber.
Jack: Call me Jack.
Leo: Thank you, Jack. Now, if you'II just follow me to the lounge.1 have some brochures to show you.
Leo: Ms White, Mr Webber. How can I help you this afternoon?
Jack: Hi Leo. We're after a tour guide.
Mona: Yes, Leo. We want to make the most of our last day. Can you recommend a good tour guide?
Leo: I can recommend Five Star Tours. They're very popular.
Mona: We don't want a group though, Leo. We want a private tour guide.
Leo: Well, there's someone I know of. He's the best in the business. You'll need him tomorrow?
Mona: Yes.
Leo: l'II see if he's available.
Leo: Excuse me for just a minute.
Leo: You're in luck.
Leo: He is available tomorrow.
Jack: Excellent. When can we speak with him?
Leo: He can meet you today if you like.
Jack: Fine. What time?
Leo: 3 0'clock.
Leo: He said he can meet you here in the lobby.
Mona: What's his name, Leo?
Leo: Mr Le.
Jack: Thanks, Leo.
Leo: My pleasure.
Leo: Good afternoon.
Mona: Hi Leo. Why are you wearing a different uniform? And where is Mr Le?
Leo: Let me introduce myself. I am Mr Le. Your tour guide.
Jack: Leo, you're a tour guide?
Mona: But you're the hotel receptionist!
Leo: I also work for Five Star Tours.
Mona: I don't understand.
Leo: Please let me explain. l'm saving up to study hotel management in Australia. So I work for Five Star Tours in my spare time.
Mona: l'm still not sure about this.
Leo: Let me assure you, Ms White. I have a tourism qualification, and l've been doing this job for seven years
Mona: But...
Leo: I know all the best tours in the city!
Jack: l'm sure you do, Leo. We would love you to be our tour guide...Wouldn't we, Mona?
Mona: I suppose so.
Leo: Thank you Ms White, Mr Webber.
Jack: Call me Jack.
Leo: Thank you, Jack. Now, if you'II just follow me to the lounge.I have some brochures to show you.
Let me
Let me
Introduce myself
l'm Leo
l'm Leo
Your receptionist
Let me
Let me
Introduce myself
l'm Leo
l'm Leo
Your receptionist