电影学口语 Lesson 37:[Antz]Talk sb to death
The ant: -oh, Don’t worry, I’m okay.
The princess: -you? You’re okay? Hey, who cares about you?
-I almost died here
The ant: -will you please calm down?
-you are not gonna let a little near-death experience ruin your mood, are you?
The princess: -hey, this is not a mood . You’re not listening to me.
-where am I ?
-look, what’s –your-name. just climb up that tree and find out where I am.
The ant: -look, t-the trick is not to panic.
-you know, h-h-he w-who panic is lost.
-what am I saying? We are lost.
The princess: -I’ve been kidnapped by the village idiot.
The ant: -who is the bigger idiot? The idiot or the idiot who gets kidnapped by the idiot?
The princess: -what’d you do, talk those termites to death?
-I can’t believe you tried to pass yourself off as a soldier.
-why are you stalking me?
-don’t you realize that I’m out of your league?
The ant: -you’re the one who was cruising the worker bar looking for a little action.
And you just happened to find it— the swarthy, earthy, sensual worker.
The princess: -Please . I was slumming it. Don’t you get it?
I chose you because you were the most pathetic little bug in the joint.
The ant: - I was gonna let you become part of my most erotic fantasies.
but now, you can just forget that. Write it off, you know. I guess what you prefer is Old Blood and Guts. This guy’s idea of a romantic night out is two seats at a public execution. Boy, you really choose the right husband.The princess: - For your information, the general and I are deeply deeply –engaged.
1、calm down: 冷静下来
2、near-death experience : 生死一线的经历
3、talk sb to death : 把某人给说死了
4、pass…off as : 伪装成….
5、out of one’s league : 配不上某人
6、writ it off:: 忘记
7、for your information :告诉你吧