电影学口语 Lesson 35:[Antz]Be not good at showing it
The princess: we don’t seem to have anything in common. The guy’s a stiff.
The queen: Yes, darling. I know the general may be….a little gruff and somewhat overbearing at times, but I know he cares about you. He’s just not particularly good at showing it.
But you should’ve seen how persistently he asked for your hand in marriage
The princess: But. why me?
The queen: Because you’re the one who has to continue my work. It’s your place, dear.
The princess: What if I don’t like my place?
The queen: Everyone has their places, Bala…. You, the soldiers, the workers.
Now, it’s not all that bad being princess, is it?
Would you prefer to be carting around dirt all day ?
The princess: mother, Don’t be so dramatic.