电影学口语 Lesson 31:[玩具总动员]A Real Buzz Lightyear?
剪辑自《Toy Story》1 玩具总动员
Woody: Listen, Light Snack, you stay away from Andy. He’s mine, and no one is taking him
away from me.
Buzz : What are you talking about? Where’s that bonding(连接) strip(条,带)?
Woody: And another thing: stop with this spaceman thing! It’s getting on my nerves!
Buzz : Are you saying you wanna lodge(提出) a complaint with Star Command?
Woody: Oh-ho, okay! Ooh, well, so you wanna do it the hard way, huh?
Buzz : Don’t even think about it, cowboy(牛仔).
Woody: Oh, yeah, tough guy.
Buzz : The air isn’t toxic(有毒的). How dare you open a spaceman’s helmet(钢盔) on an
uncharted(未知的) planet! My eyeballs could’ve been sucked(被骗的) from their
Woody: You actually think you’re the Buzz Lightyear? Oh, all this time I thought it was an
act! Hey, guys, look! It is the real Buzz Lightyear!
1. No one is taking him away from me. 谁也不能从我身边抢走他.
2. It’s getting on my nerves! 他让我心烦!
3. Don’t even think about it. 不要考虑那么多.
4. You wanna do it the hard way, huh? 你想挑战吗?