与法庭口译员打交道要知道的十件事 中英对照
日期:2014-03-27 15:26


10 Tips for working with court interpreters


By Carmel A. Capati, Wisconsin Court Interpreter Program Manager

卡梅尔 A 卡帕蒂,威斯康星州法庭口译项目经理

The demographics of Wisconsin are changing. Immigrants from Somalia and Latin America can be found working in turkey processing plants in Barron and in dairy farms in rural Buffalo County. Wisconsin ranks third in the nation for its Hmong population, while refugees from Bhutan, Myanmar, and Iraq are the most recent arrivals to our state. Given this population shift, the legal system has seen a dramatic increase in the need for interpreter services. Below are 10 recommendations for practicing attorneys to consider when working with court interpreters.


1. Being bilingual is not enough to ensure the quality of a court interpreter. Don’t make the common mistake of assuming because someone asserts he’s bilingual that he’s qualified to be a court interpreter. Interpreting is difficult. Legal interpreting is even more difficult and requires continuous practice combined with experience and training. Attorneys should inquire about an interpreter’s educational background, courtroom experience, training, or certification she may hold. The Wisconsin Supreme Court’s Director of State Courts Office established a Court Interpreter Program six years ago, which has overseen certification of interpreters throughout the state. Whenever possible, try to use a certified interpreter if one is available. Certified interpreters have demonstrated their interpreting and language skills by passing a rigorous oral examination used by almost 40 states around the country.


2. Attorneys don’t have to rely on personal referrals to locate court interpreters. The Court Interpreter Program maintains a roster of interpreters, available on the court’s Web site, for more than 25 different languages. The roster has certified interpreters in the following languages: Spanish, American Sign Language (ASL), German, Deaf ASL, Russian, Vietnamese, Mandarin, Hmong, Lao and French.


3. Don’t ask interpreters to provide “word-for-word” interpretation. Interpreters interpret meanings and concepts. They do not provide word-for-word or literal interpretation, nor do you want them to do so. An interpreter told me the story of when he was asked to interpret during a deposition. When he arrived, opposing counsel ordered the interpreter to “translate all the words directly.” The interpreter responded that he normally interprets the meaning of what is said, to which the attorney retorted, “No! I want the exact meaning of the words!” so the interpreter agreed. A question was asked, “What were you doing in the parking lot?” The interpreter rendered the question into Spanish, and the non-English speaking deponent answered, “Estaba manejando mi mueble.” The interpreter said, “I was driving my furniture.” Irritated, the attorney asked what furniture meant. The interpreter told him the speaker meant, “I was driving my old junker.” People from Mexico use the word “mueble” (which has a l

iteral translation of “furniture”) to mean “junker” or “old car.” But since the interpreter was instructed to interpret the exact meaning of the word, he interpreted the word literally and not in the context the word was used.

3、不要要求口译员提供“字词到字词”的口译。口译员翻译的是意思和概念。他们不提供字词到字词或字面上的翻译,你也不想让他们这样做。一名口译员曾对我讲过他被要求口译证词的事。当他到达时,对方律师要求口译员“直接翻译所有的字词。”口译员回答说,他通常翻译的是意思,对方律师反驳说:“不!我想要每个词的确切含义!”于是译员同意了。有人问:“你在停车场干了什么?”译员将问题翻译成了西班牙语,不会讲英语的证人回答说:“Estaba manejando mi mueble”。翻译说,“我在开着我的家具。”对方律师恼怒起来,询问“家具”是什么意思。译员告诉他发言者的意思是:“我在驾驶我的老爷车。”墨西哥人用“mueble”这个词来表示“老爷车”,但它的字面意思却是“家具”。但由于口译员被要求翻译每个词的确切含义,他只好使用字词到字词的形式,而没有按上下文来进行翻译。

4. Court interpreters should abide by the Code of Ethics for Court Interpreters. If you are working with an interpreter who is unfamiliar with SCR Chapter 63 the Code of Ethics for Court Interpreters, you should be concerned this person has not been properly trained. Qualified court interpreters are professionals who will follow this Code, which includes keeping privileged communication confidential, representing their qualifications accurately, and maintaining neutrality.


5. Don’t ask interpreters to be attorneys. Court interpreters do not “go over” legal documents or “explain” legal concepts. They interpret while the attorney reviews legal forms or explains the law. One interpreter reported an assistant district attorney asked her to go over the plea questionnaire and waiver of attorney form with several non-English speaking pro se defendants. He directed her to review the penalty charts so she could explain them. Interpreters are not attorneys. Asking them to engage in this type of work is unethical and unfair to both the non-English speaker and the interpreter.


6. Clarify abbreviations and minimize legal jargon. Legal proceedings are filled with abbreviations and jargon (PSIs, GALs, OARs and “probation holds”). While certified interpreters will likely be familiar with the terms, try not to use them, if possible, and say the entire phrase.

6、讲清缩略语并减少法律术语。法律诉讼充满了缩略语和术语(例如 PSIs, GALs, OARs 或“probation holds”)。尽管合格的译员有可能了解这些术语,但尽量不要使用它们,如果可能的话,使用完整的表达形式。

7. Be mindful of how you pose questions through an interpreter. As a general rule, when talking through an interpreter, the more straightforward the question, the better. Leading questions and questions posed in the negative are challenging for an interpreter particularly for rarer languages. While it is impossible to eliminate this format of questioning, attorneys should strive for simplicity in speech when an interpreter is used.


8. Don’t ask interpreters not to interpret something.


Interpreters have informed me about attorneys who say something and then immediately instruct the interpreter, “Don’t interpret that.” Asking interpreters not to interpret something is asking them to violate their Code of Ethics. Interpreters are required to interpret everything. If you don’t want something interpreted, don’t say it.


9. Expect most interpretation during a court proceeding to occur simultaneously. Generally, simultaneous interpreting means the interpreter is talking at the same time as the speaker with some lag time. Expect most interpreters to simultaneously interpret during courtroom proceedings. During testimony of a non-English speaking witness, the interpreter will use the consecutive mode, whereby interpretation will occur after each question and answer.


10. Wisconsin statutes allow parties to object to an interpreter for good cause and take into consideration any delay arising from the inability to locate a qualified interpreter. If an attorney has valid concerns about an interpreter appointed by the court, alert the judge. Wis. Stat. section 885.38(6) allows a court to remove a qualified interpreter for good cause and section 885.36(7) states the delay resulting from the need to locate and appoint a qualified court interpreter may constitute good cause to toll time limits.


  • interpretv. 解释,翻译,口译,诠释
  • delayv. 耽搁,推迟,延误 n. 耽搁,推迟,延期
  • continuousadj. 连续的,继续的,连绵不断的
  • engagev. 答应,预定,使忙碌,雇佣,订婚
  • literaladj. 逐字的,字面上的,文字的 n. 错误字体
  • informedadj. 见多识广的 v. 通告,告发 vbl. 通告,
  • questioningn. 质问 v. 询问,审问(question的现在分词
  • lagvi. 落后,缓慢进行,衰退 vt. 落后于,滞后于 n
  • alertadj. 警觉的,灵敏的 n. 警戒,警报 vt. 警惕
  • violatevt. 违犯,亵渎,干扰,侵犯,强奸