善意推定presumption of good faith
善政廉政good government
擅自变更或者解除(民事法律行为)alter or rescind one’s act arbitrarily
商业贷款commercial loans
上市公司listed corporations
上诉法院the appellate court
上诉期间the time limit for filing an appeal
上诉状the appeal petition
设备利用capacity utilization
设立义务规则rule of imposing duty
设立、变更或终止民事关系establish, change or terminate civil relationship
社会保障体系social safety net
社会主义法制socialist legal system
深层次结构性矛盾deep-rooted structural imbalance
审查制度censorship; inspection system
审计监督supervise through auditing
审判人员judicial officers
审批金融机构license financial institutions
审慎监督prudential supervision
生产能力闲置unutilized capacity
生息资产interest-bearing assets
生效法律expired laws
实施细则inplementary provisions
实际承运人actual carrier
世纪利用外资disbursement of foreign capital
实际有效汇率real effective exchange rate
实时real time
实收资本paid-in capital
实现利润realized profit
市场分割market segmentation
市场经济market economy
市场准入market access
市价总值market capitalization
适度从紧appropriately tight
适时调节timely adjustment
适用范围area of application; sphere of application
收回对金融机构贷款recall central bank loans (to financial institutions)
书记员court clerk
书面合同a written contract
书证、物证documentary evidence, material evidence
双倍返还定金repay the deposit in double
双方法律行为bilateral legal transaction
税后还贷amortization (repayment of loans) after tax