多头仲裁multiple arbitration
多于一名人士2 or more persons
多元立法体制plural legislative structure
恶意串通conspire maliciously
恶意行为ill will; mala fides
二审second instance
二审裁定书order of second instance
二审法院Court of Second Instance
二审判决书written order of second instance
二元君主立宪制dual constitutional monarchy system
二者只能择其一The inclusion of one is the exclusion of the other
发回原审人民法院重审remand the case to the original people’s court for retrial
发回重审remand a lawsuit for a new trial
发货人consignor, shipper
发生法律效力be legally effective
发生法律效力的legally effective
发行审核委员会the Issuance Examination Commission
发展规划development plan
罚不当罪Punishment does not fit the crime
法的本质the nature of law
法的定义changes of law
法的分类development of law
法的概念concepts of law
法的连续性continuity of law
法的社会作用social influence of law
法定部门statutory machinery
法定程序legal procedure
法定代表律师official solicitor
法定代表人legal representative
法定继承legal inheritance
法定监护人legal guardian
法定解释statutory interpretation
法定期限legal age; lawful age
法定权利legal right; right entitled by law
法定权限limits of power prescribed by law
法定日appointed day
法定时间appointed time
法定时效statutory limitation; prescription
法定义务legal duty
法定语言legal language