处分原则principle of disposition
处以刑罚inflict punishment
处以有期徒刑sentence to fixed-term imprisonment
触犯法律break the law; violate the law
触犯公共利益encroach on the public interests
触犯国际利益go against the state’s interests
触犯人民利益encroach on the interests of the people; go against the people’s interests
传统法律观念traditional ideas of law
传销pyramid selling
船舶抵押的消灭extinguishments of the mortgage of the ship
船舶抵押权right of mortgage with respect to a ship; mortgage of the ship; ship mortgage
船舶抵押权的设定establishment of mortgage of the ship
船舶抵押权登记registration of ship mortgage
船舶留置权possessory lien; lien of ship
次要规则secondary rule
从宽处理lenient punishment, liberal punishment
从宽解释原则doctrine of liberal construction
从轻处罚impose a lenient sentence
从重处罚give a severer punishment
村民委员会the village committee
存款机构deposit-taking institution
错漏error; mistake
答辩状the defense
打官司initiate legal proceeding
打击struggle against
打假crack down on counterfeit goods
打假办公室Office of Cracking down on Fake Products
大股东substantial shareholder
大股东控权人majority shareholder controller
大化瑶族自治县Dahua Yao Nationality Autonomous County
大陆法系Continental Legal System
大律师书记barrister’s clerk
代理检查员acting prosecutor
代理民事活动be represented in civil activities by
代理权终止the expiration of one’s power of agency