日期:2013-01-28 17:29
都说现在是“娱乐时代”,可一点都不假。每天网络、报纸、电视,到处都充斥着各类娱乐新闻,连某位明星家的小狗去世也要不失时机地报道一下。至于最近又有哪位女星“走光”这类的热闻,那自然是铺天盖地的报道了。都说咱们中国人说话隐晦,外国人其实也不差呢,你知道他们管“走光”叫什么吗?竟然是wardrobe malfunction(衣柜失灵)。
Wardrobe malfunction is first used by singer Justin Timberlake in 2004 to explain the incident during Super Bowl XXXVIII in which Janet Jackson's right breast was bared.
Wardrobe malfunction在2004年第38届超级碗比赛中歌手贾斯汀•汀布莱克就珍妮•杰克逊右乳外露事件做出解释时被首次使用。
It is now used as a euphemism referring to an accidental instance of indecent exposure caused by a fault in someone's clothing (especially that of a performer) or by an error made while changing this costume.
现在,wardrobe malfunction常用作指代因穿衣不当(尤指演员)或演员更换演出服时导致身体部位外露的意外“走光事件”的委婉表达。