III.Backroom Deals Between the United States and Japan Concerning Diaoyu Dao are Illegal and Invalid
Diaoyu Dao was returned to China after the Second World War. However, the United States arbitrarily included Diaoyu Dao under its trusteeship in the 1950s and "returned" the "power of administration" over Diaoyu Dao to Japan in the 1970s. The backroom deals between the United States and Japan concerning Diaoyu Dao are acts of grave violation of China's territorial sovereignty. They are illegal and invalid. They have not and cannot change the fact that Diaoyu Dao belongs to China。
1. Diaoyu Dao was returned to China after the Second World War
1941年12月,中国政府正式对日宣战,宣布废除中日之间的一切条约。1943年12月《开罗宣言》明文规定,“日本所窃取于中国之领土,例 如东北四省、台湾、澎湖群岛等,归还中华民国。其他日本以武力或贪欲所攫取之土地,亦务将日本驱逐出境”。1945年7月《波茨坦公告》第八条规定: “《开罗宣言》之条件必将实施,而日本之主权必将限于本州、北海道、九州、四国及吾人所决定之其他小岛。”1945年9月2日,日本政府在《日本投降书》 中明确接受《波茨坦公告》,并承诺忠诚履行《波茨坦公告》各项规定。1946年1月29日,《盟军最高司令部训令第677号》明确规定了日本施政权所包括 的范围是“日本的四个主要岛屿(北海道、本州、九州、四国)及包括对马诸岛、北纬30度以北的琉球诸岛的约1000个邻近小岛”。1945年10月25 日,中国战区台湾省对日受降典礼在台北举行,中国政府正式收复台湾。1972年9月29日,日本政府在《中日联合声明》中郑重承诺,充分理解和尊重中方关 于台湾是中国不可分割一部分的立场,并坚持《波茨坦公告》第八条的立场。
In December 1941, the Chinese government officially declared war against Japan together with the abrogation of all treaties between China and Japan. In December 1943, the Cairo Declaration stated in explicit terms that "all the territories Japan has stolen from the Chinese, such as Manchuria, Formosa [Taiwan] and the Pescadores, shall be restored to the Republic of China. Japan will also be expelled from all other territories which she has taken by violence and greed." In July 1945, the Potsdam Proclamation stated in Article 8: "The terms of the Cairo Declaration shall be carried out and Japanese sovereignty shall be limited to the islands of Honshu, Hokkaido, Kyushu, Shikoku and such minor islands as we determine." On September 2, 1945, the Japanese government accepted the Potsdam Proclamation in explicit terms with the Japanese Instrument of Surrender and pledged to faithfully fulfill the obligations enshrined in the provisions of the Potsdam Proclamation. On January 29, 1946, the Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers Instruction (SCAPIN) No.677 clearly defined Japan's power of administration to "include the four main islands of Japan (Hokkaido, Honshu, Kyushu and Shikoku) and the approximately 1,000 smaller adjacent islands, including the Tsushima Islands and the Ryukyu Islands north of the 30th parallel of North Latitude". On October 25, 1945, the ceremony for accepting Japan's surrender in Taiwan Province of the China War Theater was held in Taipei, and the Chinese government officially recovered Taiwan. On September 29, 1972, the Japanese government committed with all seriousness in the China-Japan Joint Statement that "the Government of Japan fully understands and respects this stand of the Government of the People's Republic of China [Taiwan is an inalienable part of the territory of the People's Republic of China], and it firmly maintains its stand under Article 8 of the Potsdam Proclamation."
These facts show that in accordance with the Cairo Declaration, the Potsdam Proclamation and the Japanese Instrument of Surrender, Diaoyu Dao, as affiliated islands of Taiwan, should be returned, together with Taiwan, to China。
2. The United States illegally included Diaoyu Dao under its trusteeship
On September 8, 1951, Japan, the United States and a number of other countries signed the Treaty of Peace with Japan (commonly known as the Treaty of San Francisco) with China being excluded from it. The treaty placed the Nansei Islands south of the 29th parallel of North Latitude under United Nations' trusteeship, with the United States as the sole administering authority. It should be pointed out that the Nansei Islands placed under the administration of the United States in the Treaty of Peace with Japan did not include Diaoyu Dao。
The United States Civil Administration of the Ryukyu Islands (USCAR) issued Civil Administration Ordinance No. 68 (Provisions of the Government of the Ryukyu Islands) on February 29, 1952 and Civil Administration Proclamation No. 27 (defining the "geographical boundary lines of the Ryukyu Islands") on December 25, 1953, arbitrarily expanding its jurisdiction to include China's Diaoyu Dao. However, there were no legal grounds whatsoever for the US act, to which China has firmly opposed。
3. The United States and Japan conducted backroom deals concerning the "power of administration" over Diaoyu Dao
1971年6月17日,美日签署《关于琉球诸岛及大东诸岛的协定》(简称“归还冲绳协定”),将琉球群岛和钓鱼岛的“施政权”“归还”给日本。 海内外中国人对此同声谴责。同年12月30日,中国外交部发表严正声明指出:“美、日两国政府在‘归还’冲绳协定中,把我国钓鱼岛等岛屿列入‘归还区 域’,完全是非法的,这丝毫不能改变中华人民共和国对钓鱼岛等岛屿的领土主权。”台湾当局对此也表示坚决反对。
On June 17, 1971, Japan and the United States signed the Agreement Concerning the Ryukyu Islands and the Daito Islands (Okinawa Reversion Agreement), which provided that any and all powers of administration over the Ryukyu Islands and Diaoyu Dao would be "returned" to Japan. The Chinese people, including overseas Chinese, all condemned such a backroom deal. On December 30, 1971, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs issued a solemn statement, pointing out that "it is completely illegal for the government of the United States and Japan to include China's Diaoyu Dao Islands into the territories to be returned to Japan in the Okinawa Reversion Agreement and that it can by no means change the People's Republic of China's territorial sovereignty over the Diaoyu Dao Islands". The Taiwan authorities also expressed firm opposition to the backroom deal between the United States and Japan。
面对中国政府和人民的强烈反对,美国不得不公开澄清其在钓鱼岛主权归属问题上的立场。1971年10月,美国政府表示,“把原从日本取得的对这 些岛屿的施政权归还给日本,毫不损害有关主权的主张。美国既不能给日本增加在他们将这些岛屿施政权移交给我们之前所拥有的法律权利,也不能因为归还给日本 施政权而削弱其他要求者的权利。……对此等岛屿的任何争议的要求均为当事者所应彼此解决的事项”。同年11月,美国参议院批准“归还冲绳协定”时,美国国 务院发表声明称,尽管美国将该群岛的施政权交还日本,但是在中日双方对群岛对抗性的领土主张中,美国将采取中立立场,不偏向于争端中的任何一方。
In response to the strong opposition of the Chinese government and people, the United States had to publicly clarify its position on the sovereignty over Diaoyu Dao. In October 1971, the US administration stated that "the United States believes that a return of administrative rights over those islands to Japan, from which the rights were received, can in no way prejudice any underlying claims. The United States cannot add to the legal rights Japan possessed before it transferred administration of the islands to us, nor can the United States, by giving back what it received, diminish the rights of other claimants... The United States has made no claim to Diaoyu Dao and considers that any conflicting claims to the islands are a matter for resolution by the parties concerned." In November 1971, when presenting the Okinawa Reversion Agreement to the US Senate for ratification, the US Department of State stressed that the United States took a neutral position with regard to the competing Japanese and Chinese claims to the islands, despite the return of administrative rights over the islands to Japan。