诗歌翻译: 《菜根谭》(能看得破、才认得真)英文译文
日期:2022-09-23 10:09


《菜根谭》是明朝还初道人洪应明收集编著的儒家经典,是一部论述修养、人生、处世、出世的语录集。 其文字简炼明隽,兼采雅俗,言辞中流露出山林意趣,渗透着万物一体的世界观。开出的处世之方偏重心态和人事,悟虚妄真实之理,指出贫富、尊卑、穷达因为心念使善恶、祸福相互转换,告诫世人及时转念,戒贪少欲,取中庸之道。著作前后内容和深度有所不同,反映出了不同的阅历和境界。




In this dusty world of illusions, not only are rank and wealth fleeting, but our very bodies are only lent to us for a short time by the universe. In the realm of the Way, when the last vestige of the material world has been eliminated, not only are family members joined as one, but everything in the universe is too. Only if a man can see through the world of things and perceive the world of the pure Way can he undertake the heavy burden of saving the world and succouring its people, and shake off the material fetters of rank and wealth.

(保罗·怀特 译)

From the point of view of the world of illusions, not only riches and honor are false appearances but also our bodies are merely the shapes given by the heaven. And from the point of view of the world of realities, not only the parents and brothers but also all things on earth are the integrants of a whole. Therefore, in dealing with the world, only by penetrating the illusions and understanding clearly the realities can one shoulder social responsibilities and shake off the fetters of riches and honor.

(周文标 译)

As far as the worldly dreamland is concerned, not only fame and fortune, but also your body, is a form entrusted by nature; as far as the Taoist ideal state is concerned, not only your parents and brothers, but also the myriad things in nature, are one with yourself. Only when you are disillusioned with the one and earnest with the other, can you take the responsibility of the nation and be rid of the fetters of worldly concerns.

(蒋坚松 译)

In the realm of illusion, there is no honor, reputation, wealth, or status, and indeed no arms, legs, body, or anything related to me. In the realm of the genuine, parents, sisters, brothers, and indeed the ten thousand beings are all one body with me. Only when I can see through the ways from the unreal, can I shoulder responsibility for worldly obligations, free of shackles and limitations.

(Robert Aitken & Daniel W. Y. Kwok 译)

