诗歌翻译:洪应明-《菜根谭·施之不求 求之无功》英文译文
日期:2018-01-09 19:03
施恩惠给别人的人,不可老把恩惠记在心头;不应有让别人赞美的念头;这样即使是一斗米也可收到万钟的回报;用财物帮助别人的人,如果计较自 己对人的施舍,而且要求人家的报答,这样即使是付出一百镒,也难收到一 文钱的功效。
《菜根谭·施之不求 求之无功》 洪应明
A true benefactor does not regard himself as doing good deeds, nor does he regard others as the recipients of his kindness. A Chinese peck of rice given in such a spirit is worthy a granary. But when an alms-giver expects some requital for his largesse, even though he gives away a fortune, it is not worth a copper coin.