Well, thank you very much, State Councilor. We are grateful to you for bringing together key officials in this room, a number of whom I have worked with before. We are very grateful for the cooperation that we have had with respect to this. Every one of us in this room (inaudible) are well aware that the climate crisis is one that respects no border. It is trans-boundary. It affects the planet. And, for better or worse, we are now aware of the consequences of inaction in ways that we have never been before.
The United States and China, because we have very robust economies, because we have been economic powerhouses, have also had a side effect of that, which is we, together, are the two largest emitters of greenhouse gases in the world. So, the significance of our coming together like this really can’t be understated. If we are working hard to find a solution together, that can have an impact on the rest of the world. And we are grateful for the cooperation that we have had for the last year, since we began this particular session, in finding new projects to work on and new ways to do it. Our combined innovative entrepreneurial ability ought to be able to find any number of different alternatives, and that is what we are working on.
As you know, people around the world are demanding action. We recently had a conference on the oceans in Washington, and one of the side effects of climate change impact of greenhouse gases is the rapid acidification of the oceans, and the impact on the ecosystem. And in the course of that, we heard from people in the Pacific Islands, for instance, who are watching sea levels rise now. Whole nations are threatened.
President Obama has made climate change a top priority. We are now working across our government in an all-government effort on the President’s climate action plan. We are doubling the fuel efficiency of cars and trucks on America’s roads. We have developed new standards that will ensure that power plants are clean, and they are as efficient as possible. And we will be seeing a number of our old, inefficient plants that are coal-based begin to be retired, as they switch to different fuels, or to different power sources. We are also committed to reaching our international target of reducing greenhouse gas emissions to 17 percent below 2005 levels by 2020.
All of these are big steps. But I have to emphasize to you nothing that the United States does alone, nothing that Europe does alone, nothing that any country does alone will be able to do the job.