日期:2014-07-02 06:43
Agriculture and food security –the theme of this year’s Africa Day – will be critical. More countries areinvesting in agriculture, while donors have pledged to increase funding andtechnical assistance. I am especiallyalarmed by the high risk of famine in South Sudan, where the lack of a genuinecessation of hostilities may cause farmers to miss the planting season.
My Zero Hunger Challenge initiative aims to scale up efforts toeliminate hunger through sustainable agriculture and food systems. Theobservance of 2014 as the International Year of Family Farming aims to mobilizesupport for smallholder farmers, especially women, who contribute so much toAfrica’s food security.
At the same time, we must do moreto unleash the full potential of Africa’s agricultural sector, which employstwo out of every three Africans. By processing commodities and using othermeans to add value, we can help develop rural areas, create jobs and empowerpeople while ensuring food security.
I encourage Africa’s leaders andtheir partners to advance these aims. The United Nations will continue toaccelerate our push to reach the MillenniumDevelopment Goals and to ensure that Africa’s priorities, as expressed inthe Common African Position, are reflected in the post-2015 development agenda.
I also call on Africa’s leadersto participate in the Climate Summit I will convene in September to galvanizeaction toward a meaningful new climate agreement. Africa is among the regionsmost vulnerable to the effects of climate change, and I fully support thecontinent’s leaders as they engage on this critical issue.
Africa Day is also a moment toreaffirm commitment to the continent’s women and young people. I express mysolidarity with the families of the kidnapped schoolgirls in Borno State,Nigeria, along with the country’s Government and people, and pledge to work fortheir safe return.
Africa is achieving admirablegrowth, but social and economic inequalities are on the increase. Greaterequity presents a common challenge to the continent as a whole and can helpfoster peace and stability. Conflict prevention and the peaceful settlement ofdisputes through dialogue and mediation are critical to realizing the goal toend all wars in Africa by 2020.
The United Nations will maintaina strong partnership with the African Union as we pursue peace, sustainabledevelopment, democracy and human rights. On this Africa Day, let us pledge tocontinue standing with the people and leaders of Africa as they advance on apath to a more peaceful, prosperous and sustainable future.
My Zero Hunger Challenge initiative aims to scale up efforts toeliminate hunger through sustainable agriculture and food systems. Theobservance of 2014 as the International Year of Family Farming aims to mobilizesupport for smallholder farmers, especially women, who contribute so much toAfrica’s food security.
At the same time, we must do moreto unleash the full potential of Africa’s agricultural sector, which employstwo out of every three Africans. By processing commodities and using othermeans to add value, we can help develop rural areas, create jobs and empowerpeople while ensuring food security.
I encourage Africa’s leaders andtheir partners to advance these aims. The United Nations will continue toaccelerate our push to reach the MillenniumDevelopment Goals and to ensure that Africa’s priorities, as expressed inthe Common African Position, are reflected in the post-2015 development agenda.
I also call on Africa’s leadersto participate in the Climate Summit I will convene in September to galvanizeaction toward a meaningful new climate agreement. Africa is among the regionsmost vulnerable to the effects of climate change, and I fully support thecontinent’s leaders as they engage on this critical issue.
Africa Day is also a moment toreaffirm commitment to the continent’s women and young people. I express mysolidarity with the families of the kidnapped schoolgirls in Borno State,Nigeria, along with the country’s Government and people, and pledge to work fortheir safe return.
Africa is achieving admirablegrowth, but social and economic inequalities are on the increase. Greaterequity presents a common challenge to the continent as a whole and can helpfoster peace and stability. Conflict prevention and the peaceful settlement ofdisputes through dialogue and mediation are critical to realizing the goal toend all wars in Africa by 2020.
The United Nations will maintaina strong partnership with the African Union as we pursue peace, sustainabledevelopment, democracy and human rights. On this Africa Day, let us pledge tocontinue standing with the people and leaders of Africa as they advance on apath to a more peaceful, prosperous and sustainable future.