约翰•克里2013年国际女童日视频致辞 视频+中英对照
日期:2013-10-22 09:23


Statement by Secretary Kerry on International Day of the Girl


October 11, 2013


When many of the world’s 850 million girls go to sleep tonight, they will dream about futures that sadly—tragically—are nearly impossible for them to achieve.


In too many countries, the promise of the next generation of girls is at risk. In too many communities, the contributions of girls are not valued, their well-being is not protected, and their aspirations are not taken seriously.


As the father of two daughters, I know that is unacceptable. Supporting the rights of girls is the moral and just thing to do. And as someone who sits today in the same chair where extraordinary women like Hillary Rodham Clinton, Condoleezza Rice, and Madeleine Albright sat before me, I know that it’s also the smart thing to do. Investing in girls is a critical part of our duty to promote prosperity, security, and peace around the world. Empowered girls grow up to be empowered women. They grow up to be empowered mothers, leaders, and innovators. They grow up to move their communities forward and make the world a better place.

作为两个女儿的父亲,我深知这种情况不可接受。支持女童的权利是合乎道德的正义之举。今天我担任的这个职务曾由一些卓越非凡的女性出任,例如我的前任希拉里?罗德姆?克林顿、康多莉扎?赖斯和马德琳?奥尔布赖特,我知道这也是明智之举。培养女童是我们的职责之一, 对于促进全世界的繁荣、安全与和平至关重要。获得自主权的女童长大后会成为有自主权的妇女。她们成长为有自主权的母亲、领袖和创新者。她们长大后将推动自己的社区前进,使全世界成为更美好的地方。

I am proud of the accomplishments of my own daughters and my wife. I want all girls to have the same opportunities they had to get a good education, pursue their passions in a safe environment, and achieve their full potential.


Thanks to a number of global partnerships and programs led by the State Department, like TechGirls and NeXXt Scholars—and great USAID programs like Safe Schools—we have made important progress. Today, more and more girls are enrolling in school in Afghanistan, and fewer and fewer girls are victims of female genital mutilation in Africa. But our work is far from over.


Every year, the International Day of the Girl is a chance for us to reaffirm our commitment to girls’ rights, to celebrate their value to society, and to address the unique challenges they still face. It is a call to action for everyone to build on the progress we have made on global women’s rights. If we heed that call, if we keep faith with the enormous potential and promise of young women, the dreams of our daughters will one day be just as viable as the dreams of our sons.



  • prosperityn. 繁荣,兴旺
  • smartadj. 聪明的,时髦的,漂亮的,敏捷的,轻快的,整洁的
  • celebratev. 庆祝,庆贺,颂扬
  • promotevt. 促进,提升,升迁; 发起; 促销
  • achievev. 完成,达到,实现
  • statementn. 声明,陈述
  • extraordinaryadj. 非凡的,特别的,特派的
  • enormousadj. 巨大的,庞大的
  • impossibleadj. 不可能的,做不到的 adj. 无法忍受的
  • globaladj. 全球性的,全世界的,球状的,全局的