日期:2012-05-23 17:12


8.促进各国生产力的发展 expand productive forces (当然,此处用promote也是可以的。)

1)扩大对外开放 open wider to the outside world.

2)扩大对外开放的领域和地域 expand areas of economic operation/activities and geographical regions that are open to the outside world.

3)扩大就业渠道 create more jobs

9.弘扬发展精神 promote / carry forward the spirit of achieving development though cooperation.

1)弘扬中华文化的精髓 promote/carry forward the best elements/marrow of Chinese culture.

10. 东亚,南亚,西亚,和中亚在地理上相对独立,经济发展各具特色

--------are relatively separate in geographical locations and unique in the ways of achieving economic development. (这里不能用independent来形容相对独立。因为这个词的政治色彩太浓,而文章中所要表达的是地理概念)

3)我们要坚持产品多元化战略,坚持以质取胜 we shall pursue the strategy of product diversification and trying to win success by relying on quality. (和科教兴国的翻译方法差不多)

11.合作的空间大于竞争的空间(there is bigger scope for/more space for cooperation than for competition)

1)bonds also appeal to investors because of their scope for capital appreciation


2)in a nutshell, an investor should consider investing in bonds as an alternative for the purpose of diversification in investment(当作投资选择)


3) corporate bonds offer an ideal alternative to equities and government bonds, providing some of the benefits of each.(相对于---之外的更理想的投资选择/手段

12. 加强企业间的合作是当今企业发展的重要方向---- closer/strengthened cooperation between companies defines /features/point out (the direction of) the future development


This will provide /offer important channels and mechanisms for more /improved exchanges and closer cooperation between countries in Asia.

2)加强双边合作有利于推动区域合作的顺利开展(serve, facilite)

Closer bilateral cooperation serves /facilitates regional cooperation

13.这种观点是很有见地的 this is quite insightful and well-grounded./sensible

Over a time, many have contributed very sensible/insightful views on the orientation of Asia regional cooperation

14. 改革开放以来,中国企业与海外企业积极开展经济技术合作,取得了巨大成就ever since reform and opening-up, Chinese companies and overseas companies have conducted vigorous economic cooperation and scored great achievements.

我们的本地化进程加快了技术转让 our localization/local presence has accelerated technology transfer.

我们正处在一个从工业化社会向服务和信息社会的转轨过程。 We are right in a transition from an industrialized society to an information society.

转变政府职能 transform the governmental functions.

indeed, many visitors to New Zealand are impressed by what they see, and they want to transplant New Zealand methods and technologies to their own countries. 的确,很多来新西兰的游客对所见印象深刻,他们希望能够将新西兰的方法移植到本国,(translate science and technology into productive forces. 将先进的科技转化为生产力)

15. 中国将严格遵守 honor/observe


Tonight we’ll hold a dinner party for you and I’d like you to meet my friends in Nanjing.

16. 全方位,多层次,宽领域的对外开放 a multidirectional and multilevel opening-up in a wide rage of areas.

Haihua group is a large cross-regional, cross-industrial and cross-trade group corporation encompassing scientific research, manufacturing and trade. It has under it a research institute, a material-trading center, a department store, a real estate development company, a recreational concourse , a travel agency and a sino-Austrialian jointly -funded textile co, ltd, altogether 40 members, wigh a total assets of 500 million, a staff of 6000 and an annual sales income of 1\8 billion.

棘手的形容词 (处理方法和棘手的形容词差不多)如果在句子的结构中比较靠前,那么提到前面翻译成一句话,如果在后面,那么提出来,放到句子末尾翻译成一句话。如果在中间,那么就地翻译。

Champaign is an international symbol of some kind of pleasure.


Too much emphasis on earnings growth and individual initiative, coupled with a shocking absence of the usual corporate checks and balances turned Enron’s entrepreneurial culture form one that rewarded aggressive strategy to one that increasingly relied on unethical means.


Enron seemed to have transformed itself from a stogy regulated utility to a fast-moving enterprise where performance was paramount


Layers of management were wiped out. Hundreds of outsiders were recruited and encouraged to bring new thinking to a tradition-bound business. 好多的管理层被提掉了,从外面招聘了很多新人,并且鼓励他们将新的思想带进一个受传统束缚的企业。

People become mentally rigid and increasingly fixed in their views are they age(随着年龄的增长,人们变得思维僵化,墨守成规)

  • reformv. 改革,改造,革新 n. 改革,改良
  • enterprisen. 企业,事业,谋划,进取心
  • productiveadj. 能生产的,有生产价值的,多产的
  • vigorousadj. 精力充沛的,元气旺盛的,有力的
  • appreciationn. 欣赏,感激,鉴识,评价,增值
  • appealn. 恳求,上诉,吸引力 n. 诉诸裁决 v. 求助,诉
  • initiativeadj. 创始的,初步的,自发的 n. 第一步,首创精神
  • jointlyadv. 共同地,连带地
  • separaten. 分开,抽印本 adj. 分开的,各自的,单独的 v
  • impressedadj. 外加的;印象深刻的;了不起的;受感动的