日期:2012-05-23 17:18


Silicon Valley is a magnet to which numerous talented engineers, scientists and entrepreneurs from overseas flock in search of fame and fast money and to participate enthusiastically in a technological revolution whose impact on mankind will surely surpass the epoch-making European Renaissance and Industrial Revolution of the bygone age.// The valley’s professionals are among the most hardworking people anywhere. A 15-hour day and 7-day week is not uncommon, especially during the start-up stage. They would give up social life, and curtail their family life too, in order to pursue the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. It is this single-minded pursuit of excellence, supported by strong ethos of teamwork and esprit de corps, that sustain them until their mission is accomplished.// Paper qualification, though useful, is not a be-all-and-end-all. More weight is given to a candidate’s proven abilities and aptitude for the job. This is amply demonstrated by industry icons like Apple’s Jobs and Wozniak and Microsoft’s Gates, all college dropouts who might not have emerged in a qualification-conscious community.// While racial prejudice no doubt still exists in the United States, it is hardly discernible in the Valley. What counts most is one’s vision and track record, and not one’s nationality, skin color or creed. This, together with its multiracial society, informal lifestyle and agreeable climate, lures foreigners to its shores.//

硅谷犹如一块磁铁,把许许多多天资聪颖的工程师、科学家、企业家从世界各地吸引到这里。他们来此寻求功名,希望快速致富,积极投身于技术革命,而这场革命所带来的影响必将超 过昔日具有划时代意义的欧洲文艺复兴运动和产业革命。// 硅谷人的工作之勤奋,举世罕见。一天工作 15 个小时,一周工作七天,这样的工作日程安 排在硅谷却是司空见惯的现象,尤其在创业初期更是如此。硅谷人放弃社交生活,减少与家人一起生活的时间,努力去寻求事业彩虹尽头处的那一桶金。正是这种孜孜不求卓越的精神,加上优良的团队精神,支持着硅谷人的奋斗理念,他们不大目的绝不罢休。//在硅谷,文凭虽然有用,却不是一切,一纸定不了终身,硅谷更看重求职者的真才实学和岗位资质。最具有说服力的例子莫过于行业的偶像人物,如苹果公司的创始人乔布斯和沃茨尼亚克,微软的创始人盖茨,他们都是一些大学辍学者,在讲究学历的社会很可能永无出头之日。//毫无疑问,美国人然存在着宗族歧视,但这种现象在硅谷却难寻踪影。硅谷人最看中的是人才视野和成长历程,而不是国籍,肤色或宗教信仰。这种观念加上硅谷多宗族的社会、不拘 礼仪的生活方式、舒适适宜的气候,使外国人近悦远来。//

  • discernibleadj. 可辨别的
  • talentedadj. 有才能的,有天赋的
  • ethosn. 民族精神,道德风貌,思潮信仰
  • excellencen. 优秀,卓越,优点
  • agreeableadj. 愉快的,和蔼可亲的,欣然同意的,一致的
  • communityn. 社区,社会,团体,共同体,公众,[生]群落
  • trackn. 小路,跑道,踪迹,轨道,乐曲 v. 跟踪,追踪
  • impactn. 冲击(力), 冲突,影响(力) vt. 挤入,压紧
  • sustainvt. 承受,支持,经受,维持,认可
  • numerousadj. 为数众多的,许多