【例53】 They were distressful memories to her.
【译文】 这些都是勾起她痛苦回忆的往事,
【例54】 Anyone who doubts that global financial markets control national economies need only look at the crisis facing the "tigers" of the Far East.
【译文】 无论是谁,如果认为世界各国金融市场未必能控制各国经济,只须看一看远东地区的四小龙所面临的这场金融危机就明白了。
【例55】 Concerned farmers are building terraces on hilly fields, rotating their crops, and using new plowing methods to cut soil losses significantly.
【译文】 关注事态的农民们在山地上修造梯田,实行轮作,并采用新法耕作以大幅度减少土壤流失。
【例56】 "Has he sold his collection yet?" "He has some of the paintings; I'm not sure about the rest."
×他的藏画全都卖了吗? 他有一些画,其他的我说不准。
【译文】 他的藏画全都卖了吗? 有一部分画他已经卖了,其他的我说不准。
【例57】 In other words there is at work in the language of a man, or of an age even, a constant principle of selection.
【译文】 换句话说,不仅一个人的语言,甚至于一个时代的语言,都不断受到淘汰原理的影响。
【例58】 A causeless event or thing, we cannot think of any more than we can of a stick with only one end.
【译文】 我们不可能设想有哪件事情是无缘无故产生的,就像我们不可能设想有哪根棍子只有一头一样。
【例59】 We are human and human beings are far from perfect. To be human implies that we will make mistakes. But it's more than that we feel human. We now feel entitled.
【译文】 我们是凡人,而凡人远非十全十美。作为凡人就是说我们会犯错误。但是,我们觉得自己是凡人不仅仅由于我们会犯错误。我们如今感到有权利犯错误。
【例60】 You have acted as if you do; but I don't think you do.
【译文】 你装出好象很喜欢我的样子,可我觉得你并不喜欢我。