73.respond, answer和reply
respond“应答”,“作出反应”,往往指对号召、职责、请求等自发的或自觉的用书面或口头作出反应或响应。如:He responded briefly to the questions. 他简短扼要地回答了问题。 They declared that they responded with resolution to this statement.他们宣布响应这个声明。
answer回答,是使用最广泛的词,凡是书面或口头回答问题争论,指责等都可以用answer.回答可能同意、不同意,甚至反对。如:He asked me some personal questions and I did not answer him. 他问了我几个私人问题,我没有回答他。 The professor answered the question with a nod. 教授点头示意,回答了这个问题。
reply “回答”,比answer正式,多用于书面语,主要指经过考虑针对所提问题的内容作出正式的回答或答复,所答复的内容可能是一种解释,也可能是一种反驳。如:For a moment, Arthur was at a loss how to reply it. 亚瑟一时不知如何回答这个问题。 Please reply at your earliest convenience. 请尽早回信。
intend: 强调"意欲"做某一件确定的事,或者"决意"达到某一确定的目的。此外这个词常用于表达"意欲"使某人从事某职业,或"打算"某物用作何种目的。
e.g. Erna intends to take short rests every two hours. 欧娜打算每隔两小时休息片刻。?
The dictionary is intended for the beginners. 这本词典是为初学者编的。
mean: 常常可以和intend互换使用。但不强调决心达到某一目的。?
e.g. He always meant to go back one day, but not to stay. 他总想某一天回去,但不住下。
design: 强调为达到某目的,事先作过精心安排和仔细考虑。此外,这个词还包含"预谋" 、"策划"或"以阴险的手段"达到自己的目的这一意义。
e.g. These peculiar forms not only seemed designed to shock people emotionally,
but to give them electric shocks as well!这些奇怪的造型设计,似乎不仅用来在感情上给人们以强烈的震撼,而且给人以电击般的刺激。
Did you design this, or did it just happen itself? 这件事是你有意安排的还是它自行发生的