日期:2010-12-15 11:08


促进共同发展 共享互联网未来
国务院新闻办公室副主任 钱小芊
2010年11月8日 北京

Joining hands for a shared future in Internet expansion
--Keynote Speech at the Fourth China-US Internet Industry Forum
By Qian Xiaoqian, Vice Minister of the State Council Information Office
November 8, 2010


Your Excellency Deputy Secretary of State Robert D. Hormats,
Ambassador Jon Huntsman,
Mr. Craig Mundie,
Chairman Hu Qiheng,
Ladies and Gentlemen,


On behalf of the China State Council Information Office, I would like to congratulate the joint efforts of the Chinese and American governments in holding the Fourth US-China Internet Industry Forum here in Beijing. This forum has played a crucial role in increasing the understanding between the two countries' IT enterprises, enabling the United States and China to reach some consensus on Internet and information technology-related subjects. Now, the forum serves as an important communication and cooperation platform for Chinese and American Internet companies and organizations. We at the State Council Information Office are also very grateful for the many efforts and contributions from Microsoft and the Internet Society of China.


Forums like this are important, now more so than ever before, especially following the financial crisis. The past year has been a tumultuous one, but China's economy has experienced steady growth, and its IT industries have maintained a quick development pace. Because of this success, China's IT sector has made many important achievements.




The tri-networks integration of telecommunications, cable TV and the Internet, as well as Wi-Fi development, has brought forth many new opportunities. China has initiated tri-networks trial operations in 12 cities, which are moving along smoothly. The number of Wi-Fi users across China is also increasing rapidly, opening up new market opportunities – and China's Internet industry is already busy implementing new strategies to take advantage of this growing Internet user base and market potential. Chinese IT companies are busy exploring and developing new technologies, new business models and new markets to innovate their content providing services and reform users' terminal services. So far, their achievements have been numerous.


Today, China's active capital market provides new financing channels for Chinese Internet enterprises. The emergence of the Growth Enterprise Board in October 2009 enabled many rising Internet enterprises to become listed companies. As these enterprises grow, so too does public interest and enthusiasm for the Internet and new information technology. This public support has helped enhance the sustained development and international competitiveness of China's Internet enterprises.


Cleaning up the Internet – that is, combating illegal and illicit content – is one of China's top priorities to guarantee a beneficial environment for the global communications network. Since the end of 2009, the Chinese government has cracked down on pornographic content on the Internet according to Chinese law. Illegal content circulation and actions have been punished to make the Internet safe and relieve parental and teacher concerns for young Internet users. These actions have gained the people's trust for the Internet and benefited the long-term development of the Internet in China.


China's basic policies on Internet development have been outlined in its recent white paper on Internet policy. The State Council Information Office's white paper on Internet development in China, published on June 8, 2010, looked back on the development process of the Internet in China over the years. The document made it clear that the government must accelerate the Internet's development through intensive application, scientific development, and governance according to law, all while protecting security interests. The basis of the policy is to spur Internet development and control, according to the law.


Over the past 16 years following China's connection to the Internet, the global communications network has had a profound influence on the country's economic and social development. In today's China, more people are getting their daily information and learning everyday from the Internet. It has become an integral part of their lives, and has contributed to improving their standard of living by enriching their material, as well as cultural, life. The Internet also serves as a forum for netizens to express their ideas and opinions online. The Internet is providing a more direct and convenient channel for the public to exercise their rights to know about, supervise and participate in public affairs, and to voice their opinions. And at the same time it helps the government learn about the wishes of its people. By the day, these online opinions receive an unprecedented amount of public and government attention. The Internet has also become a career builder and source of job security. E-commerce provides tens of thousands of employment opportunities, giving more people more stages to demonstrate their knowledge and creativity. Equally important, the Internet has become an impetus to transform China's economic development mode and develop its low-carbon economy. Today in China, more and more people are communicating online with their relatives and friends overseas via the Internet. The Internet helps cultivate friendships between Chinese and people around the world. It has greatly broadened the Chinese people's views, and at the same time has helped the world gain a deeper understanding of China and the Chinese people's strong wish for peaceful development. Because of its importance, we in China have reached a common understanding for the Internet. We want to make it stronger and more applicable, to govern it accordingly, and to make it more credible and practical so that this global network can contribute to economic and social development in China.


Ladies and gentlemen,


China's Internet has developed during the process of the country's reform and opening up, and has helped push this process forward, becoming a symbol of China's modernization. Looking to the future, we are confident of the benefits the Internet's development will have for China. The Chinese government fully realizes the importance of Internet in its national development. As such, the government will work to improve the Internet industry and to let it play a more active role in its economic, political, social, cultural and ecological development plans. The government's plans are extensive and pioneering.


First, the Internet and its related industries will become new pillar industries in China's development. The Chinese government has been actively boosting the development of Internet and its related industries with strategic considerations. The information industry, with the Internet as its representative, will be a basic, pillar and leading industry in the national economy. The government will provide additional support for research and development, and application of new information technology such as the Internet of Things, in order to cultivate a conducive environment for the information industry's development. The Chinese government will also take steps to integrate the development of Internet and economic entities, utilizing Internet technology to reform traditional industries to adjust traditional structures and transform the economic development mode. The Chinese government will also vigorously stimulate its e-commerce sector by improving online services, authentication systems and web-based logistics. The cultural industry on the Internet will also be developed, with more favorable policies and a better market environment for online games, cartoons, audio and video programming.


Second, China will continue to open its Internet market. Throughout its development, foreign-funded IT companies in China have played a central role by introducing their advanced technology, administrative skills and innovative concepts that helped quicken the pace of progress. Now, a rapidly growing number of Internet enterprises are anxiously awaiting their entry into the Chinese market. A more open Chinese Internet market will benefit these foreign enterprises, especially in the wake of the global financial crisis. Those foreign IT enterprises in China are faring well, and quite a few have shown steady financial increases from their Chinese business operations. On the Chinese side, the Chinese government will continue to perfect its policies, regulations and laws governing its procedures in the international market, in accordance with related WTO rules, to provide a stable and transparent investment environment for foreign enterprises. We sincerely welcome American enterprises to participate in China's continued reform and opening up, and to share in the opportunities and results of the Internet industry's prosperous development in China.


Third, China is committed to governing the Internet according to the law. Sustained development of the Internet depends on an enhanced legal system -- this is both an experience and a basic principal of the development of the Internet industry in China over the past 16 years. Countries worldwide are enacting legislation regarding the Internet and information technology to adapt to the new problems and challenges posed by Internet technology. Like its global partners, the Chinese government, too, needs to improve its Internet legislation, to ensure the industry's healthy development and protect the interests of enterprises, and the constitutional and legal rights of its citizens. The government will punish illegal activities and crimes, such as online cheating, gambling and pornographic content circulation, according to law, to stifle the effects of illegal information on national security and the public, especially to minors. China has its own national situation, with its unique culture and characteristics of development. But we are willing to borrow from the legislative and administrative experiences of other countries – changing them to fit China's needs – to perfect our own Internet laws and regulations and establish a legislative system for the Internet that is appropriate for China and is line with Internet development rules. While the government has the inescapable responsibility for Internet governance, we advocate industry self-discipline and public supervision. Technology safeguards shall be adopted to prevent the spread of illegal information online, and public education shall be enhanced to increase their Internet rule and regulation awareness.


Fourth, China is willing to work with other countries to safeguard network security. Each day, Internet security threats become more numerous and more dangerous. The growing number of network hacks, virus attacks and other illegal activities are severely endangering the world's Internet networks. While a computer-based attack may not seem relevant to one's everyday life, such strikes can seriously impact our economic and social lives. The Chinese government's policy on anti-hacking has always been transparent and persistent – that is, it has always been against any form of network attack and will always be willing to cooperate internationally when it comes to Internet security protection and network anti-terrorism activities. Even as different social and cultural traditions exist between countries – and this includes differing concerns on Internet information safety – we will fully respect different viewpoints from individual countries. Our goal is to find a common ground and join together to fight crime conducted via global communications networks and safeguard our network security.


Fifth, China actively promotes international communication and cooperation in the Internet field. The Internet is a worldwide link, but networks in each country are subject to individual sovereignty laws. As a result, it is necessary to establish an exchange and cooperation mechanism for quick and easy communication between countries, and as such, the State Council Information Office actively promotes communication and cooperation worldwide involving the Internet. Establishing a bilateral exchange mechanism between the Chinese and US governments has enabled us to negotiate on equal grounds, and to exchange our views and experiences on Internet policy, legislation and security. Because of this, we have increased our understanding of and cooperation with each other through engagements like this forum. Both the Chinese and American governments should encourage their Internet organizations to carry out more exchanges to reach common understandings and work together to solve the Internet development problems we face together. Our two governments should support more academic exchanges between scholars and experts to share research results and find solutions to various social dilemmas brought about by the ever-changing Internet.


Ladies and gentlemen,


Both China and the United States are Internet giants. The US is the birthplace of the Internet and leads the global Internet technology trend. China has the largest number of Internet users in the world and is also the largest information product consuming market. We are complementary to one another and share many common interests concerning the Internet. Though our views on some Internet-related issues may be different, helping the Internet progress into a new age is our common goal. With mutual respect, we can increase mutual understanding and settle our differences through cooperation. Let us join hands to overcome these barriers and look forward to a bright future of China-US Internet collaboration.


I wish the Fourth US-China Internet Industry Forum all the best.


Thank you very much.

  • terminaln. 终端机,终点,终点站,末端 adj. 末端的,终点
  • relatedadj. 相关的,有亲属关系的
  • regulationn. 规则,规章,管理 adj. 规定的,官方的
  • awarenessn. 认识,意识,了解
  • relievev. 减轻,救济,解除
  • protectionn. 保护,防卫
  • circulationn. 流通,循环,发行量,消息传播
  • unprecedentedadj. 空前的,前所未有的
  • deputyadj. 代理的,副的 n. 代表,副手
  • integratev. 整合,使 ... 成整体 adj. 组合的,完整的