日期:2010-09-21 16:03


  (short-hand phrases)的翻译
  “下海” To go into commercial business To drop out of (teaching, etc.) and venture into business To be seduced into commerce / industry
  康居工程 The Affordable Housing Program
  “货币分房” The “own-as-you-pay” housing system
  “吃饭财政” A “mouth-feeding” budget-a budget much of which is used for a burgeoning government payroll
  以外贸企业为龙头 With foreign trade companies as the locomotive / flagship
  “摸着石头过河” “To wade across the stream by feeling the way”
  文化搭台,经贸唱戏 Cultural events set the stage and trade activities play the star role.
  大锅饭 The “big pot” distribution system under which everyone gets the same “portion” irrespective of his work / contribution
  饭后百步走,活到九十九。 An after-dinner walk a day keeps the doctor away.
  “金梧桐”企业实 行网上招聘人才。 Companies wishing to attract talents worldwide have set up recruitment homepages on the Internet.
  带职分流, 定向培训, 加强基层, 改善结构。 无情调节, 有情安排。 To stream out redundant government staff with their ranks retained; to provide tailor-made training programs geared to re-entry purposes; to move downward to join and rejuvenate grass-roots organizations and to improve the personnel composition with “fresh blood” injected. To trim out redundancies relentlessly, and to re-assign the laid-offs considerately.
  (集邮爱好者语)方寸之间,深情无限。 On these tiny postage stamps, Philatelic friendship “franks.”
  生意场上“一锤子买卖”的做法 The “grab-the-money-and-run” business mentality
  堤外损失堤内补 To gain on the swings what was lost on the roundabouts
  把企业推向市场 To lead/guide enterprises (at their elbows) to the market To let enterprises “swim” / “immerse” in the marketplace

  这是指“三要三不要”之类的说法。翻译成英语是“three do’s and three don’t’s”。再如“三农问题”(指农业,农村,农民),我们似可把“三农”英译为rural economy, rural development and rural demography。下面再举一些例子:(参见下表)
  “三包”;包修、包换、包退 We offer 3-R guarantees: guaranteed repair, replacement and refund.
  “三来一补”:来料,来图,来样加工;补偿贸易 The “Three plus one” trading mix: custom manufacturing (with materials, designs or samples by the customer) and compensation trade.
  “三公”:公平、公正、公开 The recruitment is based on the principle of equal opportunity, fair treatment and open competition.
  “三个面向”:面向现代化、面向世界、面向未来 Out education is oriented to the modernization program, to the global perspective and to our nation’s future goals.
  “四大目标”:建设大港口、扶持大工业、发展大经济、实现大繁荣 We are determined to build a port of large size, foster an industry of large scope, develop an economy of large scale and achieve prosperity of large magnitude.
  “四自原则”:自找伙伴,自筹资金,自主经营,自负盈亏 The “four-self” principle: self-supporting in finding partners, self-reliance in raising capital, self-decision in management, and self-responsibility for losses and gains.
  一个确保、三个到位、五项改革 One goal to attain, three tasks to accomplish and five areas to undergo reform
  “五讲四美”:讲文明、讲礼貌、讲卫生、讲纪律、讲道德;心灵美、语言美、行为美、环境美 Five merits to advocate and four virtues to promote: civilized behavior, common courtesy, hygienic conditions, proper discipline and public morality; loft sentiments, refined language, good manners and environmental awareness
  “九通一平”: 通水、通电、通热、通气、通下水、通邮、通讯、通闭路电视、通还道路;平整土地 Eight availables and two accessibles: Water, electricity, heat, gas, sewage, post, telecommunications, and closed circuit TV are available. You are accessible to paved roads and leveled ground.
  八个环境:园区的创新环境、开放环境、法制环境、引进人才环境、继续教育环境、产业发展空间环境、政府管理和社会服务环境 To create a favorable environment in the Science Park for: technical innovation, outward orientation, operation legalization, talent attraction, continuing education, industrial expansion, governance and service provision
  (英译汉)the three-P’s: patience, persistence, and perseverance “三性”:耐性、持久性、坚韧不拔性

  汉语比较灵活,许多字后面都可以加一个“化”字,例如下面的“螺马化”。而英语则不然,不可随意在任何名词和形容词的后面加上相应的词尾(-ize, -ization, -izing)而使其“化”字化。例如,下面若干个带“化”字的词中唯有mechanized一词是“正宗”的,而其余的“化”字全都是根据意思“绕着弯儿”翻译的。这样一来,汉语原文中的简练有力而整齐划一的特色就没有了。但是,意译的效果也有一定的特点,那就是意思清楚、语言地道;再加上大体整齐,或者有可能的话,争取做到对称押韵。
  The equality between men and women is here to stay, and equal work for equal pay is the order of the day.
  The moving of heavey-duty weaponry has undergone the stage from the use of draught animals to mechanized haulage.
  The contingent of cadres should be composed of staunch revolutionaries who are better educated, better trained, and younger in age.

  发明创造 科技之星奖 为表彰在科学技术 方面做出卓越成就 特此颁发证书 获奖者 获奖项目 AWARD This certificate of nomination is presented to Star of scientific/technological invention/innovation (name of recipient) for the outstanding accomplishment of (name of project) Signed by Date

  • scalen. 鳞,刻度,衡量,数值范围 v. 依比例决定,攀登
  • inventionn. 发明,发明物,虚构,虚构物
  • commercen. 商业,贸易
  • awarenessn. 认识,意识,了解
  • contingentadj. 可能性,经验主义的,不可预知的,附带的 n.
  • fostervt. 养育,培养,促进,鼓励,抱有(希望等) adj.
  • refinedadj. 精炼的,优雅的,精细的 v. 精炼,净化,使
  • magnituden. 大小,重要,光度,(地震)级数,(星星)等级
  • disciplinen. 训练,纪律,惩罚,学科 vt. 训练,惩罚
  • environmentn. 环境,外界