美文串记考研英语词汇:第25课 新阿甘正传(1)
日期:2017-12-15 08:54


The Autobiography of Forrest Gump
I am a born idiot. My mother was a widow because my father died shortly after my birth. But others said I resembled him. We inherited some estates which we lived by. My mother planted a lot of violets in the courtyard. I liked watching her knitting nearby the violets. At that time, my mother talked much to stimulate me, which I could not cite much, but my mother always said, "Life is like a box of chocolate, you never know what you are going to get."
My mother named me Forrest and my surname was Gump. She interpreted that I was an heir of Forrest, a hero in civil war. His name had been carved on the monument and President Roosevelt had awarded him a badge. My mother said I must have retained the gene of heroes. I didn't quite understand her interpretation. It might link with a myth or whatsoever.
We had a neighbor, a Negro immigrant from Africa. I liked to play with him for anyone who mocked at my foolish behavior, he would deliver him a punch. My mother gave his family good treatment. Later one night, there was a riot (an uproar)in the street with whistle of cars again and again. They said some Negros robbed a white junior student. Then my neighbor moved away. Nobody played with me since then.


My mother thought it was good for me in school, so that I would be the same as others. But on that day, the headmaster quizzed my grammar. It seemed I did badly, for my mother tried to reconcile with him. After a term, I was transferred to another school. I would tell you, it was an odd place. Some spat the gums on the sofa; some twisted stockings around their necks. The teachers only taught the simplicity of life, for example, when to slap hands, how to use soap to wash clothes, how to suck soda to prevent it from splashing(sprinking) on clothes and so on. We should submit to teachers. I yawned often. But there was one exception. Once I broke a broom with a snap, the teacher made me hungry for a day.
One day a big guy met me on my way from dormitory(itory). He came to drag me and, kicked me on the hip and call me "idiot". I was almost provoked, but I dared not to protest. I shed tears. Then a voice came, "Run, Forrest! Run!" and I began to run. When I dashed into a cinema on Joint Street and looked back, he disappeared.
After graduation, the US military cabled to inform me to join the army. Mama took me to the site of interview which was in a stadium nearby a gulf. There might be thousands of people in the spot because some other's toes were always kicking my heels. The jury was composed of seven people, a delegate with a big forehead labeled us from NO. 1 and divided us into several divisions to, he clarified, keeping balance. Nuisance! Then he made us to take a leap-frog test keeping with a naked body. He said he would check our spine and muscle strength. When I got home at night, I got two swollen feet.
毕业后,美国陆军发来电报说要我去当兵。妈妈带着我去参加面试。面试的地点在一个海湾附近的露天体育场里。我估计有数千人呢,因为别人的脚尖老是踢着我的脚后跟。评审团一区有7人,有个大脑门的代表,给我们 每个人编了号,从1开始,然后又把我们分成好几组,说要保持均衡,真麻烦!然后他们命令我们脱下衣服做蛙跳测试,检查脊柱和肌肉力量什么的。回到家的时候,我的脚已经肿了。

  • genen. 基因
  • stimulatevt. 刺激,激励,鼓舞 vi. 起刺激作用
  • badgen. 徽章,标记,正章,象征 vt. 授给 ... 徽章
  • shedn. 车棚,小屋,脱落物 vt. 使 ... 流出,散发
  • composedadj. 镇静的,沉着的
  • spinen. 脊柱,脊椎,书脊,尖刺
  • checkn. 检查,支票,账单,制止,阻止物,检验标准,方格图案
  • protestn. 抗议,反对,声明 v. 抗议,反对,申明
  • juryn. 陪审团,评委会 adj. 临时用的 vt. 挑选
  • mythn. 神话