From South Korea to Indonesia and India, monetary authorities are preparing to let their currencies weaken as a falling Japanese yen makes their economies uncompetitive, and drags them into what some policymakers are calling a "currency war".
Devaluation of domestic currencies(本币贬值)可以降低本国商品相对外国商品的价值,使国外人们增加对本国产品的需求,本国居民减少对外国产品的需求,从而有利于本国的出口,减少进口。另一方面,可以提高人们对currency inflation(通货膨胀)的预期,刺激domestic consumption(国内消费)。
global reserve currency 国际储备货币
settlement currency 结算货币
daily trading band 汇率波幅
rate fine-tuning 汇率微调
one-way appreciation 单边升值
bi-directional volatility 双向波动
undervalued currency 估值偏低货币
currency manipulator 货币操纵国
cordyceps vacation 虫草假
From early May to late June all schools in Yushu prefecture, Qinghai province, give a special "cordyceps vacation" so that teachers and students can join in the picking of cordyceps, a worm-like fungus regarded as a valuable herb by the Chinese.
Cordyceps(冬虫夏草)被认为有神奇的medicinal powers(药效),能reduce cholesterol(降低人体胆固醇含量),increase stamina(增强体质),improve eyesight(改善视力)等,俗称golden worm("软黄金")。
冬虫夏草长在Qinghai-Tibet Plateau(青藏高原)上,青海省玉树州是虫草的main producing areas(主产区)之一,挖虫草是当地人主要的经济来源之一。每年的五六月,眼神好、身体好的青少年就成为了挖虫草大军中的主力。去年玉树当地优质虫草每公斤的价格达到3.2万元,一个家庭在一个harvest season(收获季节)的收入约为5万元。
ginseng 人参
bird's nest 燕窝
pilose antler 鹿茸
tonic 补品