日期:2014-08-07 10:10



  Madeleine Beekman of the University of Sydney, Australia, and her colleagues, however, have a hypothesis. As they outline in a paper in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, they think at least some of the blame lies with subcellular structures called mitochondria (pictured), which provide the body with its power by burning glucose and using the energy thus released to make ATP, a molecule that is biology’s universal fuel.

subcellular structures 亚细胞结构
  Mitochondria 粒腺体(线粒体)
  Glucose 葡萄糖
  ATP 三磷酸腺苷
  some of the blame lies with A; A 是部分原因;
  outline 指出
  hypothesis 假说

  【参考译文】:但是,澳大利亚悉尼大学Madeleine Beekman同事一起提出一种假说。他们在英国皇家学会哲学学报发表的一篇论文中指出,亚细胞结构,也就是粒腺体是造成这一现象的部分原因。粒腺体通过燃烧葡萄糖为机体提供能量,并利用该能量释放三磷腺苷,三磷腺苷是生物界普遍的燃料。

  • universaladj. 普遍的,通用的,宇宙的,全体的,全世界的 n.
  • philosophicaladj. 哲学的,冷静的,哲学上的
  • blamen. 过失,责备 vt. 把 ... 归咎于,责备
  • hypothesisn. 假设,猜测,前提
  • moleculen. 分子
  • outlinen. 轮廓,大纲 vt. 概述,画出轮廓