日期:2014-04-23 16:26


I. Explain the following terms briefly in English:(30 points)

1. Impressionism(in arts)

2. Frankenstein(as a figure)

3. The Enlightnment

4. Guglielmo Maroni

5. E-Commerce

6. Nielsen sample(as in media research)

7. Deduction

8. D-Day

9. DNA

10. Odyssey

II. Give the full name of these terms:(10 points)

1. FCC



4. EQ

5. .B.C

III. Translate the following into English (25 points)



IV. Translate thefollowing into English (25 points)





V. Writing (choose 2 topics,30 points each)

1. Finish the essay in about 300 words

For those as yet unfamiliar with the terms Voice Messaging System or Touch-Tone-Response System, they refer to those irritating and impersonal menu options one receives with a call to almost any toll-free number and an increasing number of institutions. You know the ones,” … for the option even minutely resembling your inquiry, press 73.” As annoyingly comic as these systems may seem, they are representative of a dangerous trend in the reduction of basic human interaction under the guise of efficiency and progress.

… …

2. Finish the essay in about 300 words:

We often assume that anyone who knows two languages can be a translator or an interpreter. Research shows, however, that high levels of fluency in two languages do not necessarily make someone a good translator, or interpreter. The task obviously requires the knowledge of two languages, but that’s not enough.

… …

3. Write a short essay, using the following outline:(within 400 words)

What is Communication?

1. Communication is a process, not a product;

2. Communication is a set of constructed meanings;

3. Communication involves the use of shared symbols;

4. Communication is both verbal and nonverbal.
  • verbaladj. 动词的,口头的,用言辞的,用文字的 n. 动名
  • efficiencyn. 效率,功率
  • figuren. 图形,数字,形状; 人物,外形,体型 v. 演算,
  • comicn. 连环图画,喜剧演员,喜剧元素 adj. 滑稽的,有
  • impersonaladj. 不受个人感情影响的,冷淡的,没有人情味的,非特
  • unfamiliaradj. 不熟悉的
  • constructedvt. 构造,建造;创立,构筑;搭建(construct
  • interpretern. 译员,口译者,解释程序
  • inquiryn. 打听,询问,调查,查问 =enquiry(英)
  • minutelyadv. 详细地;精密地 adj. 每分钟的