第4期 必考题卡住宅举一反三
日期:2020-06-01 15:36



04 运用Level 3:举一反三

"Do you live in a house or a flat?"

1.我住的是公寓房。I live in a block of flats with my parents.
2.公寓很宽敞,有170平方米。The flat is spacious with 170 square meters.
3.公寓坐东朝西,但是客厅是朝阳的。The flat is west-facing BUT we have a sunlit living room.
4.客厅里有个落地窗。In it there's a floor-to ceiling window...
5.总体来说,装修风格比较简约现代,因为父母喜欢环保的设计。Generally the decoration is pretty simple and modern, because my parents prefer eco-friendly design.

你的私人定制 Tailor-make it for yourself!
cramped 狭窄拥挤的
cozy 舒适的
dim 昏暗的
bay windows 飘窗
window sill 窗台
plants 绿植
freshening 使空气清新的
The decoration is in Neo-Chinese新中式/French/Metropolitan都市/Idyllic田园 style.
We love Chinese elements中国元素/the romantic vibe浪漫情调/modern vibe 现代感 and vibrant colors明亮配色/laid-back and relaxing vibe闲适放松氛围。
