雅思口语:clear solution
日期:2017-09-25 10:36


  广大适龄男女青年有没有被逼着去相亲的经历?如果有的话,有没有尬聊了很久,忍无可忍想拍案而起的冲动?此时比较常见的不失优雅的逃脱方式就是假装有电话,然后借口跑掉。这个solution虽然已经不是很有创意,但是机智程度也足够满足a wise solution的条件了。所以,编起来:
  I'd like to talk about the time my cousin got rid of her embarrassing date in a really clever way.
  Well, here's the story. My cousin, according to her parents, has reached the age when she's suppose to get married, so her mom fixed her up with a boy, the son of her coworker, if I remember right. Anyway, my cousin doesn't like to meet her other half in this way, but she couldn't go against her mom's will, so she had to go to that blind date.
  However, she came up with a brilliant idea. Actually, I did her a little favor. Here's what we did. She took me to the restaurant, and let me sit by the table next to theirs. She changed my name in her contact list into ‘Father', and she told me, if during the date, she does this (此处应有body language), it means I need to call her right away, so that she could make up an excuse and run away, like there's a family emergency going on or something like that.
   And her plan really came in handy! Her date was totally a disaster, I mean, he was not that well groomed, his hair was even really greasy. What's worse, he just went on and on about how loaded he was, which to be honest, wasn't very convincing.
  Soon I took her hint and did what she told me to do earlier. Thanks to me, she got out of the awkward date.


  get rid of somebody / something = to make yourself free of somebody / something that is annoying you or that you do not want; to throw something away 例如:
  Try and get rid of your visitors before I get there.
  The problem is getting rid of nuclear waste.
  I can't get rid of this headache.
  We got rid of all the old furniture.
  fix somebody up (with somebody) = to arrange for somebody to have a meeting with somebody who might become a boyfriend or girlfriend
  other half = better half = the person that you are married to, or your boyfriend or girlfriend
  will = what somebody wants to happen in a particular situation 例如:
  I don't want to go against your will.
  It is God's will.
  They governed according to the will of the people.
  blind date = a meeting between two people who have not met each other before. The meeting is sometimes organized by their friends because they want them to develop a romantic relationship.
  favor = a thing that you do to help somebody 例如:
  Could you do me a favor and pick up Sam from school today?
  Can I ask a favor?
  I would never ask for any favors from her.
  I'm going as a favor to Ann, not because I want to.
  I'll ask Steve to take it. He owes me a favor.
  Thanks for helping me out. I'll return the favor (= help you because you have helped me) some time.
  Do yourself a favor (= help yourself) and wear a helmet on the bike.
  well groomed = (of a person) looking clean, neat and carefully dressed
  greasy = (of hair or skin) producing too much natural oil 例如:
  long greasy hair
  go on (about somebody/something) = to talk about somebody / something for a long time, especially in a boring or complaining way 例如:
  He went on and on about how poor he was.
  She does go on sometimes!
  loaded = very rich
  take the hint = to understand what somebody wants you to do even though they tell you in an indirect way 例如:
  I thought they'd never go—some people just can't take a hint.
  Sarah hoped he'd take the hint and leave her alone.
