No.1 Should the seniors retire at 65 years old? Some arefor it, but others are against it. Discuss both of them and give your opinion. 老人是否应在65岁退休?
1) 充分发挥老年人的人力资源优势(fully take advantage of the abundant interpersonal resources)
2) 降低企业雇佣中高龄劳工的工本(reduce the high cost of employ middle-aged and senior workers)
3) 减轻越来越大的基本养老保险基金的支付压力(relieve thestress of covering the increasing amount of pensions)
1) 会导致老人延后获得退休金给付甚至无法获得退休金给付 (delaythe payment of retirement pensions)
2) 不利于青年人才的成长 (is unfavorable for thegrowth of young employees )
3) 延长退休年龄并不能从根本上解决国家养老金和人口老龄化的问题 (cannotsolve the aging problem and pensions allocation from the root cause)
4) 波及高素质人才培养和高校的发展战略 (cause negativeinfluence on the cultivation of high-quality talents )
5) 许多人希望早点退休后好好享受生活,颐养天年 (many seniorworkers want to retire as early as possible to enjoy the retired life)
退休生活retired life
人力资源 interpersonal resources
高素质人才highly-qualified staff
No.2 Some people think that it is acceptable to useanimals in medical research for the benefit of human beings, while other peopleargue that it is wrong. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.动物药物试验是否可以接受?
1) 有助于医疗的发展 To begin with, animal experimentation plays a vital role infostering the advancement of healthcare, especially for the development of newdrugs in pharmaceutical industry.
2) 可以降低实验成本Using animals in medical research can reduce the cost of experimentation
3) 承认人们没有权利剥削动物,但政府可以设定相关条约来把降低伤害。Of course, animals should have all the same rights as humanbeings and human are not entitled to exploit animals for their own interests.However, the governments can set standard for the animal testing so the numberof animals and their suffering can be considerably reduced.
制药工业 pharmaceutical industry
有权做某事 be entitled to do something
剥削动物 exploitanimals
No.3 The international community must act immediately to ensurethat all countries reduce the consumption of fossil fuels (e.g. Gas and oil).To what extent do you agree or disagree? 国际组织是否应立即采取行动来确保所有国家减少化石能源的消耗?
1) 减少化石能源的使用量与当前社会能源需求增加的趋势(energydemands are increasing in current society)不符(goes against)。这就意味着减少化石能源的使用将会破坏现目前平衡的社会秩序(maintaina well-balanced social order)。
2) 其次,替代能源的缺乏(thelack of alternative energy resources)使得减少化石能源的使用不太现实。
1) 减少化石能源的使用有益于(beconducive to)提升人们的生活环境(theimprovement of people’s living environment)
2) 也有利于能源的长期使用(inthe longer term)
可持续发展sustainable development
生态系统 theecosystem
No.4 Some people think there are not many things individuals cando to resolve environmental problems, while the others believe that in order totackle environmental problems individuals also need to take actions. Discussboth views and give your opinion.个人是否应该采取行动解决环境问题
1) 环境问题与每个人都有关联(havea close relation with every single person on this planet),比如如果水资源被污染了(contaminated),生活就会受到影响
2) 个人能做的事情很多,比如垃圾分类(classifyinggarbage),改变出行方式(alteringmodes of transport)
政府应当承担起解决环境问题的重任(takethe responsibility for addressing environmental problems),因为个人的力量是渺小的(minimalcontribution individuals can make to tackle the issues)。
排放release pollutant
消耗自然资源consume/deplete natural resources
No.5 Some people think thefittest and strongest individuals and team will win in sports, while othersbelieve it is those who have a good mental attitude will win in the end.Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 一些人认为有实力的运动员会赢得比赛,但一些人认为良好心理素质可以让运动获胜,讨论双方观点并给出自己的观点。
1) 实力能够直接影响运动员的心理素质( a perfectphysique level would exert a positive influence on their mentality),让他们更加底气十足地去打比赛 (have more confidence in facing opponents)
2) 运动员的实力,如个人的的身体素质,直接关系到战术事实 (isclosely related to the application of the strategies in sports competition)
3) 能够避免比赛中受制于人 (don’t confined to theopponent),盲目出击的问题 (use strategies blindly),比如基本功和平时战术的练习到位了,就减少了很过盲目性 (reduce blindness)
1) 有利于控制情绪 (control emotion),避免一些战术的不合理运用(refrain from some unreasonable strategies)以及和裁判较劲的行为(irrational behavior towards referee )
2) 能够鼓舞士气(boost morality),从精神上给对手施以压力(put stress on the opponent spiritually)
3) 能一定程度上减轻队友的精神压力(reduce mentalpressure of the teammates),促进团队合作(upgrade cooperation),从而更好地发挥出原有实力(have more potential to explore )
身体水平physique level
竞技比赛competitive sports
不理智的行为irrational behavior
发挥潜力explore potential
面对对手confront opponent
运用战术use strategies
No.6 Some people believe thatnational sports teams and individual athletes who represent their countryshould be financially supported by the government. Some people think that theyshould be funded by non-government groups (e.g. Business, sponsorship.) What isyour opinion? 运动员是应该被政府还是被其他非政府机构赞助?
1) 私人企业根据运动员的表现和盈利能力(based on the performance and profit-earning capacity in terms ofreturns on investment ),导致体育发展的不均衡(unbalanceddevelopment of sports);
2) 私人企业组织比赛目的是娱乐大众(organize competitions to entertain the public)和吸引观众付费(attract fee-paying spectators),将观赏性体育(spectatorsport)商业化(commercialize sports);
3) 私人企业以获利为目的(runfor profit),不顾运动员的安全(disregard the safety of athlets),运动员比赛过分密集,训练强度过大(over-training)
1) 体育事业可以有更好的发展,企业可以同时提高自己的知名度(boost or drive their images),打响品牌名(createbrand name awareness),加强和改善自己在公众心理的形象(reinforce ormodify its image in the public eye),实现双赢
2) 私人机构管理比较有效,避免体育机构滥用国家下拨的体育专项经费为自己谋取利益(some sports organizations may misuse the money allotted fortheir own benefit)
3) 私人可以赞助组织多场比赛,提高运动员的实战技术和水平,增加在国际比赛上的露面机会(international exposure)
4) 运动员容易受伤(susceptibleto injuries),有了私人企业的赞助,运动员可以获得更多的利益(gain more profit),这样会为他们在经济上提供一些保障(guarantee a comfortable retirement)
No.7 It is importantthat towns and cities are attractive so money should spend on works of art (likepaintings and statues) in public places. To what extent do you agree ordisagree? 政府是否应投资艺术来提升城市吸引力?
把钱花在艺术作品上是有一定的合理性的,它对于加强人文素养、提升一个地区展品的层次是非常有益的。Spending money on works of art in public places has its ownrationality, which is conducive to adding a humanistic flavor and improving thedisplay of a region.
1) 城市丰富的教育资源和工作机会是大部分人涌向城市的原因。提升城市的魅力也可以通过增加就业机会和学习机会的方式来实现。The affluent educational resources and job opportunities in townsare what drive most people from other regions. To invest in increasingemployment and learning opportunities is another way to gain charm.
2) 把资金投入改善住房条件也能提升城市的吸引力。Injecting funds in improving housing conditions can pull upthe glamour index of metropolises and towns.
有助于 be conducive to something
人文素养humanistic flavor
丰富的教育资源 the affluent educational resources
就业机会job opportunities
魅力指数glamour index
No.8 Research shows thatovereating can be just as harmful as smoking. Thus the advertising of certainfood products should be banned, as cigar is banned in many countries. To whatextent do you agree or disagree? 研究表明进食过量和吸烟一样有害,所以部分食物的广告应该被禁止。你是否同意这个看法?
一些常见的视频广告的视频都是不健康的,比如肯德基和麦当劳。经常看到这样的广告的人们更有可能会吃比实际需要的食物,尤其是没有自制能力的小孩 (children who do not have self-restraint)
但是仅仅是禁止某些广告并不会完全杜绝过度饮食 (overeating)。本地的快餐店和超市也要为这个不健康的饮食习惯负责。本地的市场很难买到新鲜水果和蔬菜,也使得人们会吃更多的垃圾食品和熟食 (processed food),因为他们更加方便。
自制力 self-control; self-restraint
肥胖 obesity
垃圾食品 junkfood
熟食 processedfood
No.9 More and more people are working at home ratherthan in the workplaces. Some people say this will bring benefits to the workersand their families, but other think it will bring stress to them. Discuss bothviews and give your own opinion.一些人认为远程办公对员工和其家人都有好处,其他人认为这会给他们带来压力,讨论双方观点并给出自己的观点。
1) telecommuting 可以节省经济成本(cost efficient),对于雇主而言,可以节省大量的行政费用(administrative fees),日常开支(overhead)和设备的维修费用(maintenance fees),尤其在公司发展不明朗或经济环境不景气(economicrecession)的时候,削减开支是公司的重中之重(top priority)。
2) 在家办公节约时间(time saving),节省在路上上下班的时间(cut the time spent on commuting),尤其是高峰时刻(rush hour),遇到堵车(traffic block)的时候,在家办公可以大大缩短交通时间,从而提高员工效率 (enhance working efficiency)。
3),在家办公可以尊重员工的个人隐私(satisfy privacy),员工可以选择穿睡袍(wear pajamas)以及自己认为效率最高(highly efficient)的时候工作,而不用每天按时打卡 (clock in ontime),穿制服(wear uniform).
1)增加员工的凝聚力(increase cohesion),促进人际交往能力(boost interpersonal skills)。
2)有利于雇主监控员工的工作状态(scrutinize theemployees’ working progress)。
节约费用cost effective
节约时间time saving
交通堵塞traffic block/congestion/jam
尊重隐私value privacy
No.10 More people are usingmobile phones and computers to communicate. Therefore people are losing theability to communicate with each other face to face. Agree or disagree? 越来越多人使用手机和电脑交流,因此人们在失去面对面交流的能力。你同意这个看法吗?
手机和电脑给人们提供先进的沟通方式,和面对面(face-to-face)交流类似,因为人们可以通过在线视频对话(video-chatting)的方式进行沟通。另外,手机和电脑给人们带来大量的最新信息(up-to-date information),促进了面对面沟通。与过去的人相对比,现代的人能够通过这种渠道更快更全面的获取信息,从而更加多的沟通。
过度使用会导致沉溺于虚拟世界(virtual world), 因此而导致交流障碍(communicationdisorder)
社交网络 social networking websites
相互交流,互动 interact with
虚拟现实 virtual reality
通讯设备communications equipment
No.11 If aproduct is good or it meets people needs, people will buy it. So advertising isunnecessary and no more than an entertainment. To what extentdo you agree ordisagree? 产品的销量取决于是否满足人们的需求,所以广告变得没有必要,只不过是种娱乐。是否同意这种说法?
1) 确实,产品成功,从销量上来说(in terms of sales performance), 取决于(hingeson)产品的质量和功能。然而广告是高销量背后的主要推动力(the main driving forcebehind)。 广告能进行产品促销,增加公司的销售额。Advertising leads to salespromotion of a company which usually results in increasing the sales volume ofthe company.
2) 同时,广告的娱乐功能不可忽略;它能把观众变成潜在客户和最终消费者(transform advertisement viewers into potential buyers and ultimatelypaying customers)。
3) 理由3:此外,能够强化产品在市场的定位,使该品牌公之于众。Moreover, it canincrease the brand positioning in the market and make the brand visible.
性价比高 highperformance cost ratio
广告轰炸be bombardedwith advertisement
提高销售额boost sales volume
主要推动力the maindriving force
No.12 Somepeople think that cheaper and cheaper travel by air is beneficial but otherpeople think it has drawbacks to environment and the resources of the world.Discuss both views and give your own opinion.一些人认为航空飞行越来越便宜对人们有好处,但是一些人认为对环境和资源有负面影响,讨论双方观点并给出自己的观点
1) 促进不同国家和民族间的经济与文化交流promote contacts between different peoples and facilitate culturaland economic interaction;
2) 节约时间、提高效率enhance the efficiency;Despite higherprices, many still choose to travel by air due to the speed, comfort andconvenience that air travel offers. Most international airports are equippedwith comprehensive facilities to serve the difference needs of travelers.
3) 带动其他行业的发展如旅游业boost the tourism。
1) 排出的二氧化碳影响全球气候carbon dioxide is the main greenhouse effects;
2) 消耗能源exhaustion of resources
3) 事故率与其他交通方式相比较大the comparable high rate of accident or air crash。
消耗能源exhaustion of resources
提高效率enhance the efficiency
温室气体效应the greenhouse gas effect
带动如旅游业发展boost the tourism
促进不同国家和民族间的经济与文化交流promote contacts between different peoples
No.13 Some people believe that culture will be ruined if it is used to earntourism revenue, but others consider that tourism is the only way of protectinga culture. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.旅游业保护文化还是破坏文化
旅游业有益文化保护(cultural preservation)的论点:
1) 除了自然景观( landscape )之外,文化和历史是吸引旅游者去一个国家或者一个旅游景点 ( tourism site )观光的最主要原因 ( motivator );旅游业和文化遗产相结合( integrate tourism and cultural heritage )为文化保护提供了经济支持 ( economic incentives );
2) 在文化领域提供一些旅游选择 ( introduce thetourism options available with the cultural sectors ),如博物馆、历史景点、活动和美食等 ( including museums, historical sites, events and cuisine ),游客会深入了解当地传统和习俗 ( get an insight into local customs and traditions ),感受当地传统和艺术 ( experience local traditions, arts and heritage ),从而更加尊重当地社区和周围的环境 ( respect the host community and its environment) 促进(promote=facilitate= boost= further= gear up = encourage )不同国家之间关于自然和文化资源保护的交流与对话 ( the dialogue over conservation of natural and cultural resources)。
旅游业导致文化破坏 ( cultural destruction ) 的观点:
1) 保护的是一般食物、时尚、节日等 ( preserve food,fashion, festivals and so forth ) 一些文化的表面特征 (superficial elements of a culture) ,将文化定格成表演者 (freezeculture as performers ) ,导致了文化、宗教、传统仪式、物质文化和语言的损失 ( theloss of culture, religions, rituals, material culture and language) ;将文化商业化 ( commercialize the culture) ,破坏了文化神圣和独特的本质( erode the sacred ['seɪkrɪd] and unique nature ) ;虽然很多活动是娱乐活动 ( entertain, ratherthan educate tourists ),但有些是对当地人的一种羞辱 ( humiliate thelocal people );
2) 垃圾、涂鸦、破坏和噪音不断增加 ( increasinglitter, graffiti ([grə'fiːtɪ]), vandalism (故意毁坏文物的行为;破坏他人财产的行为) and noise ),游客在没有被允许的情况下进入建筑物、神殿、神圣的土地 ( enter buildings, shrines or sacred lands without permission ),这都与当地文化相冲突(collide with, clash, conflict ),是一种文化侮辱 (an insult to the local culture )。
尊重当地社区和周围的环境 respect the host community
文化侮辱 an insult to the local culture
生态系统 the ecosystem
No.14 Some people say that professional workers such as doctors, nurses and teachers makegreater contribution. So they should be paid more than those sport andentertainment persons. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 一些人认为专业人士比如医生护士和老师对社会贡献大,收入应该比体育娱乐明星多,是否同意?
运动员和明星具有高额的收入(sports professionals, film stars, pop musicians are paid huge salaries),相比之下,教师、护士及研究人员收入平平(teachers, nurses,laboratory researchers are never listed among the best-paid professionals),甚至是科学家(research scientists)和政治家(leading politicians)都无法企及,因此很多人觉得他们赚钱容易(earn their fortunes so quickly)。他们与默默无私奉献的其它职业之间的收入的差异是不合理的(The gaps between their earnings and those of people who work less selfishly for the good ofsociety cannot be justified)。很多位社会做贡献的职业也应该(be muchbetter appreciated and better paid)。
高收入反映的是体育的一种公众流行程度(public popularity)。拥有真正天赋的职业运动员数量极少(thenumber of professionals with real talent is very few),薪酬体现了对于为成功而必须拥有的技能和贡献的认可(the money is a recognition of the skills and dedication)。相对短暂的职业生涯里(in their relatively short career),职业巅峰期短暂(don’thold their top positions long),很快就会被人取代(be replaced)。竞争无处不在(Competition is constant)来自媒体的压力很大(Thepressure from the media is intense),几乎无隐私可言(there islittle privacy out of the spotlight)。
公众流行程度public popularity
竞争无处不在Competition is constant
对技能和贡献的认可a recognition of the skills and dedication
收入差异the gap between their income
几乎无隐私可言there is little privacy out of the spotlight
Somepeople think that the range of technology available to individuals isincreasing the gap between rich countries and poor countries,while others hold theopposite opinion. What is your opinion?一些人认为科技导致贫富国差异越来越大,另外一些人持否定态度,你的观点是什么?
不是钱而是科技缺乏导致贫困 it is not money but technology that drives prosperity. 更甚,科技的缺乏使贫困无法摆脱。 poverty is driven and sustained by a lack of technology.
technologycan be used as a tool of oppression. 一个国家的科技进步(technological advancement) 使之对贫困国家的自然资源进行掠夺(has allowed it to exploit natural resources)。富国的人才资本积累(the accumulation of intellectual capital) 使差距拉大(broaden this gap), 因为他们控制了先进的技术 because ithas enabled them to control technology
人才资本积累the accumulation of intellectual capital
掠夺自然资源exploit natural resources
科技可以是掠夺资源的工具 technology can be used as a tool of oppression
科技进步technological advancement
差距拉大broaden the gap
No.16 Millions of dollars are spent on space research every year. Some peopleargue that the money should be spent on improving living standards on earth. Doyou agree or disagree. 政府是否应该投资外太空
地球上的资源是有限的,迟早会被消耗完(finite andexhaustible ),因此需要开拓太空上的能源(open energy and materialresources of space for human benefit );促进经济增长(supporteconomic growth ),使商业更加繁荣(an increase in businessactivity );
人口增长导致地球承载压力加大(cause the usablespace to shrink ),因此太空探索有利于为人类找到一个新的居住地(find asanctuary);
有利于环境考察(environmental monitoring ),有利于收集人类生存环境(living environment )的数据,比如天气预报(weatherforecasting)、环境保护和可持续发展(sustainable development )等相关数据;
提高一些产业的科学竞争力(technologicalcompetitiveness ),特别在国际商业领域(in international business ),创造人力资源和高级别的专业技术(human capital and high-level expertise);可以增加年轻人对自然科学的兴趣(arouse the interest of young people in natural sciences )。
需要长期的努力和大量资金(long-term andstrenuous commitments and a large sum of funding ),大部分国家支付不起(unaffordable to most countries ),这些资金应该用于解决一些更实际的问题,比如饥荒(famine ),疾病(霍乱cholera ['kɒlərə],)等;
很多项目收效甚微(make little progress),甚至被证明是徒劳无益的(taxing 费力的,繁重的and unrewarding )。
导致地球承载压力加大(causethe usable space to shrink
饥荒(famine ),疾病(霍乱cholera ['kɒlərə],)
人力资源和高级别的专业技术(humancapital and high-level expertise)
长期的努力和大量资金(long-termand strenuous commitments and a large sum of funding
No.17 Some people think the success of life is based on hard work anddetermination but others think there are more important factors like money orpersonal appearance. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 成功取决于努力和决心还是财富、外形等其他因素。
Hard work and determination are aninevitable pathway to gain happiness and accomplishment. Undeniably, withoutpersistent efforts, a profitable return can fail to gain.
Wealth and physical features are alsoconsidered significant elements for success in individual life. Wealth canbring security and happiness, while charming appearances can bring preferablepartners.
获得幸福和成功gain happiness andaccomplishment
好的回报 a profitable return
毋庸置疑地 Undeniably
外形 physical features
安全感 security
No.18 Somepeople prefer planning for the future, while others argue that it is moreimportant to focus on the present. Discuss both views and give your opinion. 规划未来重要还是着眼现在重要,讨论双方观点并给出你自己的观点。
1) 计划将来使人们明确方向,有机会准备周全。(allows individuals a clear direction and the opportunity for fullpreparation)
2) 相比之下, 专注现在使人们更加实际( a more pragmatic approach),只有这样才能实现未来计划。
3) 专注在现在在某种程度上比计划将来更加重要,因为它是基础( concentrating on current and constant improvements is thefoundation on which a better future resides)。
明确方向,有机会准备周全a clear direction and the opportunity for full preparation
更加实际a more pragmatic approach
专注现在concentrating on current and constant improvements
长远的发展a long-term development
No.19 The advantages of the spread of English as a global language willcontinue to outweigh its disadvantages. To what extent do you agree ordisagree?英语作为全球语言的利弊
英语作为一种全球性语言 ( global language, lingua franca ) 的优点:
交流的便利:英语使不同肤色和不同语言背景的人们 ( people of all race withdifferent language backgrounds ) 同时保持联系 ( stay in touchsimultaneously ) ;英语是全球公司管理机构、因特网、文化和科学的语言 ( thelanguage of global corporate management, the Internet, culture and science ) ;在一些关键的交流领域 ( key areas of global communication ) ,比如科学和新闻,是一种工作语言 ( working language ) 。
目前世界上有四亿人将英文作为第一语言,而在其他大部分国家都是第二语言;因此,学习英文是日常生活的必需 ( anecessity in the everyday life );而目前世界的趋势是全球化 ( thetrend toward globalization ) ,大部分商业不可能只在当地或者国内经营 (operate locally or domestically ) ;
英文比较容易掌握 ( easy to master ) ;和其他大部分的欧洲语言相比,英文的语法比较简单 ( compared to most other European language, English has a minimalgrammar) 。统一语言可以让人们了解更多的文化,记录和保留一些濒临灭绝的文化 ( protectthose cultures that are on the verge of extinction )。
很多人认为英语的传播( spread of English ) 会造成语言的流失 ( language loss) ,可以通过以下的观点反对这种看法:
非英语母语的人 ( non-English speakers) 可以掌握两种语言 ( can be bilingual ),对他们的母语不会产生很大的影响;对于日常交流,初级和中级英文 ( beginner or intermediate level English ) 已经足够,可以做到相互理解 ( achieve mutual comprehension ),他们仍然精通自己的母语 ( mother tongues )。
说英文的人 ( English speakers ) 也需要学习其他语言,因为说两种或者多种语言的人 ( polyglots ['pɒlɪglɒt] (n. 通晓数种语言的人;用通晓数种语言记载的书)or bilingual native speakers ) 比说单一语言的人(monolinguals ) 有竞争力;学会当地语言有助于对当地的文化知识有更深的了解,迎合当地的文化价值( cater to local cultural values),开拓全球市场 ( explore theglobal market )。
英语作为一种全球性语言 ( global language, linguafranca ) 的缺点:
一种新的殖民主义,满足了一些英语国家 (English-speaking countries ) 在经济和文化上的利益 ( serve the economic and cultural interests );破坏了文化的完整性 ( integrity ) ,人们可能会忘记传统 ( conventions) ,被西化或者美国化 ( Westernized or Americanized );对本土人和本土语言构成威胁 (pose a serious threat to indigenous people and languages ) ;
非英语母语的人 (non-English speakers) 不再继续深入地研究他们自己的文化和文学 ( study a culture and its literature to an advanced level ),而是注重英语的学习。例如,绝大多数的官方文件和官方网站都采用英文,其结果导致了文化和语言多元化的损失 ( lack of culture and language diversity )。
文化和语言多元化的损失 ( lack of culture and language diversity )
非英语母语的人 (non-English speakers
对本土人和本土语言构成威胁 (pose a serious threat to indigenous people and languages )
Somepeople think zoos are cruel and all the zoos should be closed. However, somepeople think zoos are useful to protect the rare animals. Discuss both viewsand give your opinion.一些人认为动物园是很残忍的应该关闭,另外一些人认为动物园可以帮助保护动物。讨论双方观点并给出自己的观点。
1) 在人工环境下保护动物是动物园的主要目的(Protecting animals in artificial environment is the main purpose of zoos.)。动物, 特别是珍稀动物rare animals 在灭绝(die out)前正面临被保护的迫切需要(in urgent need of )。
2) 动物园也可作为⼈们对动物属性和生存条件的教育基地 (Zoos also function as places wherepeople can be educated about the attributes of animals and specific conditionsin which they can survive.)。 动物园也发挥了科研的重要作用。
3) 在动物园里, 科学家们可以对动物进行持续和有系统的实验(conduct continuousand systematic experiment) , 看看他们在什么样的条件下可以住得舒适。这有助于保护珍惜动物免遭灭绝。
进行持续和有系统的实验conduct continuous and systematic experiment
珍稀动物rare animals
灭绝die out
迫切需要in urgent need of