1. How old were you when you started school?
2. How did you get to school each day?
3. Are you still in contact with any of the friends you had in primary school?
4. What were some of the most popular activities in primary school?
5. Have you ever returned to see your old school again?
第1题问你几岁开始上学,一般我们都会说年龄喽,但是大家提到这个的第一反应都是要想一下,所以我么就可以加入一些表示“让我想一下的”“时间太久久了,让我回亿一下哈?” 诸如此类的话。
Let me think about it
give me a sec to recall it
Time seems a little long, and let me forget myself ~
In his / her 30's 30多岁
about / around 40 大概40
in his early 20's 20出头
peers = of the same age = be of an age= at the same age 同龄人
第2题 问你怎么去学校其实不外乎就是想考考你会不会相应的交通方式的表达
public transport:
bus, shuttle bus 班车 ——pay monthly
private transport:
private cars 私家车
pick up 接送
give me a ride to 送某人
on foot:
near to school
5-minute walk
第3题 联不联系之前的老朋友了,一般情况下联系也是关系比较好的,或是小学毕业之后你们上了共同的初中,高中所以才会有联系,一般情况下会跟自己目前班级里的同学联系的比较密切;另一种完全不联系,因为之前关系就没有很好,换电话,没有对方的联系方式了
close friends 密友
lose contact/ touch = lose track
change contact number 换号码
study in the same high school
be contact with = keep=stay in touch / keep track of
share joy and sorrow
share something interesting happened recently
第4题 流行活动,小学的时候大家的活动还是蛮多的,譬如说眼保健操,课间操,体育课上的活动等等,甚至有的学校还会为学生设计二课堂,做手工之类的,但是有些人觉得都是被逼着做的
跳皮筋 jump elastic band
跳绳 rope jumping 丢沙包 beanbag game 踢毽子 shuttle cock kicking
跳房子 hopscotchleap frog 跳山羊
cock fighting 斗鸡
marbles 弹球
whipping top陀螺
water gun 水枪
snow fighting 打雪仗
hula hoop 呼啦圈
musical chairs 抢椅子
seesaw 跷跷板
blind man's bluff 摸瞎子
tag 捉人游戏
Top spins on a point to make the top move quickly by using a string
第5题 你有没有回你的母校看一看
还是两种答案: 回了——跟朋友回的,自己回的——因为啥回——见了谁
母校:one's old school = Alma Mater
他对自己的母校有着深厚的感情:He has fond feelings for his Alma Mater.
拜访学校:visit school
学习很忙:be busy in studying
没时间回学校转转:have no time to come back to school and look around
班主任:the head of class