雅思口语解析:historical events之澳门回归归
日期:2017-04-13 15:05


  最近的雅思口语part 2 新话题尤其是事件类,有很多口语话题都没有办法用之前的答案准备,我们只能开辟新答案了。本季度雅思口语关于历史事件的新话题Describe an event in history in your country。但是中国上下五千年的历史能说的太多了,有一些学生会想说什么焚书坑儒啊,安史之乱啊。这种最好我们可以规避一下,因为太过中国了,解释历史背景就能分分钟逼死自己。
  古代历史如果大家觉得hold不住的话,可以想想近代历史,例如中美建交啊(the establishment of Sino-US diplomatic relations),中华人民共和国成立啊(the founding of the People's Republic of China)或是港澳回归啊(The return of Hong Kong and Macao)都可以,因为大家都比较熟知,而且背景知识也不复杂。今天呢我们就以澳门回归为例来分析下这个雅思口语话题。
  China enjoys a long history, which is recognized as a time-honored country,and speaking of a historical event, the one I'd like to mention today is the return of Macau.
  If my memory never fails me, the transfer of sovereignty of Macau from the Portuguese republic to the China occurred on 20 December 1999 with the witness of thousands of people, which is one of the most significant historical events in my Chinese history. I can say that every Chinese knows that, since it was written in details in the history text book.
  In my opinion, it has a great influence on the political world. While to China, it was an event about reunion, about dignity.
  I can imagine the scene of the national flag of China flying at the ground of Macau surely brings tears to people's eyes. In my eyes, it is not only a symbol of the beginning of a new era of Macao, also an occasion for family reunion. You know we suffered a lot, pain, hunger, homeless even death during the World War One and Two. After decades of struggling and fight, we finally kicked intruders back to their home and kept our homeland. So we really feel proud and excited at the day.
