App是雅思口语Part 2媒体类的常考话题,虽然在某些月份不在考查范围内,但是风水轮流转的雅思题库里,肯定不会少了App这个话题。所以虽然近期不参加考试,但是有计划在未来考雅思的娃,还是需要关注一下该话题的!
大家除了可以把自己每天都在用的weibo,wechat或者QQ拿出来介绍之外,还可以整点儿特有“情怀”的,比如专治“低头族”的Forest,比如献给所有长成大人的孩子的B612,再比如下面这款Be My Eyes. 这真的是我见过的最善良最体贴的app了,利用科技把失明人士和视力无碍的人联系在一起,给他们提供一个随时可以求助的平台,也给了我们一个伸出援手帮助他人的机会。
这款app操作简单,只需要用我们的邮箱或者Facebook账号注册,就成为了这个program的一员,选择你的角色(a sighted one or blind one),保持log on状态,就随时可以接到求助消息或发出求助信号。
The App I'd like to share with you is called Be My Eyes, which is the most heart-warming App I've ever known. It is for now only available at iphone app store, and as we can tell from the name, it basically makes a live video connection from a blind person's phone to a random sighted volunteer's phone, so that the volunteer could help them with little day-to-day things, like matching up socks, finding out whether the food has passed its expiration date in the fridge, or things like that. Sometimes they might be uncomfortable always asking friends, relatives or neighbors for help with those simple tasks, so I guess that's why the developer created this app.
When I first heard of it from the Internet, I was curious how it worked. So I installed it, and then I just really started liking it. I like that I have an opportunity to help people who can't see in this way that is also kind of cool and kind of no hassle for me at all. When someone who's blind or visually impaired needs help, the app will send a notification to me. I haven't helped so many people yet, but I think what I'm doing with this app is really meaningful.
The app depends on there being enough volunteers. And the amazing thing about it is that with so many volunteers around the world, we could offer help at any time. Like, if a blind person needs help at 3 o'clock in the morning, the app just ping a volunteer in another time zone.
This app has enabled blind people to feel more independent than they were before, and I'm also glad that I could be of some help.
1. sighted= able to see; not blind
2. day-to-day
只放在名词前面,involving the usual events or tasks of each day,例如:She has been looking after the day-to-day running of the school.
他还有一个用法,表示“逐日的”,planning for only one day at a time,例如:I have organized the cleaning on a day-to-day basis, until our usual cleaner returns.
3. expiration date
The date after which an official document, agreement, etc. is no longer valid, or after which something should not be used or eaten. 海外生存英语必备.
4. hassle
A situation that is annoying because it involves doing something difficult or complicated that needs a lot of effort. 例如:It's a hassle having to travel with so many bags. 下次想表达“一点儿不麻烦,举手之劳”,就可以用no hassle at all.
5. visually impaired
-impaired表示having the type of physical or mental problem mentioned,例如:hearing-impaired children, speech-impaired.