日期:2016-10-01 13:50


Numerate--observation An obese woman Bella needed a more nurturing environment.

肥胖女人 贝拉需要一个更好 的培养环境。

As she numerated the reasons to leave society and move to some obscure desert oasis.

她数了数 远离尘嚣、到某个偏僻 的沙漠绿洲去生活的 理由,

She made an oath to tell no one. They would just laugh anyhow.

发誓不告诉任何人。 他们只会笑话她。

She was obese and the object of constant obnoxious teasing. She had no friends and, as far as Bella had ever known.

她过于肥胖,常常是可 恶的戏弄瞄准的目标。 贝拉没有朋友, 而且据她所知,

She had been objectified as a fat worthless person since the day she was horn. They would have no objections to her leaving;.

打出生那天起, 她就被具体化为一个 又胖又不中用的人。 他们不会反对她离开,

They would in fact probably be oblivious that she was gone. So be it. Bella took her obedient dog, Max, and left immediately.

实际上,他们可能会 忘了她已经走了。 所以就这样吧。 贝拉带上她忠实听话的 狗马科斯很快离开了。

Arriving at a remote desert town she realized that her obesity was still a problem.

到达一座边远的 沙漠城市时, 她意识到自己的过度 肥胖仍然是个问题。

Numerous residents looked at her like she was worthless and she knew that teasing would follow.

许多居民看着她就好像 她毫不中用似的, 她知道接下来他 们就该奚落她了。

She had to find another place. When she was dropped off on an oblong island with no other inhabitants.

她得另外找个地方。 她在一个荒无人烟的 长方形小岛下了飞机,

The airplane pilot laughed and yelled Good luck as he flew away. He had a smirk on his face.

飞行员飞走时笑着喊道 祝你好运!。 他的脸上有一种假笑,

She was obliged to wave back, but then she was finally alone. Here there were no obligations to society.

贝拉不得不也挥了挥手 但这时她终于是 孤身一人了。 这里没有对社会 的种种责任,

And her only objective was survival. She would have to live off the nutrients of the local vegetation.

她的惟一目标就是生存 她得靠岛上植物的 滋养生活,

And catch her own fish. There was no way she would ever eat Max!

还得自己抓鱼。 她当然绝对不会 吃掉马科斯!

Returning back to the mainland two years later, beautiful, thin Bella became a well known nutrition expert.

两年后回到大陆的 贝拉又漂亮又苗条, 她成了一名着名的 营养专家。

No one ever made the observation that she had once been obese. No one cared. They all wished they could be as beautiful as she was!

没有人注意到她 曾经是个胖子, 也没人在乎, 他们都希望自己 能和她一样漂亮!
