雅思口语:A time you had to use your imagination
日期:2016-09-27 17:41


  相信很多孩子看到use imagination的雅思口语话题一瞬间就疯掉了… 我们的想象力和创造力应该在很小的时候就消失了,结果考官还想听我们讲故事!不过话说回来,准备了这么久的雅思考试,“胡说八道”的技能应该还是有了的!我们只需要说一个合情合理的故事就OK了!
  我看到这个话题的第一个反应,就是当年去长白山,走过一堆石头,导游说看!这个石头叫“虎XX”,当时所有人都一脸懵…… 谁也没看出来哪里像老虎!导游说这堆石头从不同的角度看,有不同的形状,至于像啥,全靠想象了……
  还有很多孩子说,有时候学校的考试题,也很考验想象力。例如,会有一道题说:你打开了一扇门,然后非常surprised并且frightened,请问你看到了啥?或者给你一百个亿你要怎么花?等等其他open questions. 如果要用这个素材,答案中就真的要加入你的思考过程了,相当于拿英文答了一遍题。可能有些想象不是特别make sense,不过没关系的,反正开放性题目咋答都行。

  This topic reminds me of the time when I was traveling in Yunnan last summer vacation. It’s a place where there are not only quite a few historical attractions, but also fantastic natural wonders, which sometimes you have to use your imagination to appreciate.
  For example, when our guide took us to a place called Stone Forest, where countless stones stand on the ground, she told us each block of stone has its own unique name. Then she pointed to a huge one, said it’s called “eagle of the forest”, but in fact/to be honest, I couldn’t associate the big block with an eagle at all. And we were told, these stones have various shapes from different viewing angles. For instance, there was a thin but complex stone, when I looked at it from the left side, it looked like an old lady. However, when it was viewed/checked from the front, it became a little girl, incredible, uh? And there were also some stones that didn’t look like anything no matter how and from where you look at them.
  The locals said, just like there are a thousand Hamlets in a thousand readers’ eyes, the stone could have different names based on people’s rich/vivid imagination.
  Besides the stones, there’s also a lake called Er Hai, if we translate the name into English, it would be Ear Sea, ‘cause according to our guide, the shape of the lake looks just like an ear, but again, I didn’t get it, ‘cause to me, it looks nothing like an ear, so once more/again, I needed to use my imagination.

  PS:很多孩子特实在,回答说考雅思口语的时候特别需要想象力,全都是需要瞎编乱造的话题!嗯… 如果你够自信,我们不拦你…… (不过貌似跟考官这么坦诚不太好… 毕竟题不是人家出的,他们也是拿钱办事儿啊……)
