日期:2016-09-27 13:50


Mitigate--monster A full-blown drunk Dick moaned. He had no mobility in his body and momentary dizziness.

一个彻头彻尾的酒鬼 迪克呻吟着。 他不仅身子动弹不了, 还伴有短暂的眩晕,

So he rested a little longer. When he got enough momentum to get up, however.

于是他又歇了一会儿。 但当他有足够的 冲力站起来时,

He quickly monitored his situation. Yep, he had failed last night to drink in moder ation.

他很快就控制了局面。 是的,他昨晚 又没能节制酒量。

A mixture of gin, whisky and rum could be smelled in his breath. A modification in plans. He had said to his wife.

他的呼吸散发着 杜松子酒、威士忌 和朗姆酒的混合味道。 我只是在计划上 做了一点儿更改,

Just a modest level of drinking, okay? But she could see what mode he was in.

喝得不太多, 可以吧? 但她知道丈夫处于什么 样的状态,

Ignored his ongoing monologue and went back to the tiny module they lived in to get away from the monster that she had married.

便不理会他喋喋不休 的独白,回到他们 住的巴掌大的房间, 不想看见她嫁 的这个恶魔。

There wasn' t a single molecule of compassion left in her. He hadn't noticed the moisture in her eyes or even her departure.

她的心中连一丁点儿 的怜悯都没有了。 他没有注意到她两 眼泪汪汪,甚至连她 走了都不知道。

It was actually quite momentous that she left. She had endured their monotonous marriage much too long.

实际上,她的离开 意义重大。 她忍受这单调的 婚姻已经太久了。

She kept blaming it on mitigating circumstances. But now she had finally modified her view enough to understand.

她总是将一切不快归 咎于一些可使丈夫 罪行减轻的情节, 但现在她终于 改变了看法,明白了

That he was not a moderate alcoholic, but a full-blown drunk! And now he was on his own.

丈夫不只是普通的好 酒贪杯,而是个彻头 彻尾的酒鬼! 现在他就自己管自己 吧!

Back in the alley Dick was still trying to get mobile. He kept falling down, however, and eventually decided to just sleep it off.

回到巷子里, 迪克还在努力挪动着。 但他不停地跌倒, 最后干脆决定躺在地上 一睡了之。

When he awoke the next day he couldn't remember anything. He went home to find his wife and she was gone.

第二天醒来时, 他什么都不记得了。 他回家去找妻子, 但她已经走了。

Well that calls for another drink! He said as he staggered back out in the direction of the nearest bar.

好,这可要再喝一 杯! 他一边说,一边摇摇晃 晃转身朝最近一家酒馆 走去。
