雅思口语:Describe a way that helps you save money
日期:2016-06-28 18:06


  雅思口语新机经无缘无故的冒出来一道题目,让我们谈谈“省钱妙招”。嗯,对于很多还没赚钱,每个月要靠父母的零花钱过活的孩子来说,确实比较蒙哦。大家在看到这个雅思口语题目的时候,不妨按照这个思路来:平时我什么东西最费钱,那么cut down on it,于是消费就降下来啦,钱就省下来啦!(有的孩子可能会想到“节流不如开源”,所以想说get a part-time job,不过毕竟人家问的是save money,所以不要冒险,万一算咱们跑题就不好了)。
  比方说,你平时是个大foodie,又懒得自己做饭,于是成天eat out,或者各种snacks,之后钱就莫名其妙的没了,花钱听不到响,只能看到肉,说的就是这个事儿。再比方说,对于女孩子,可能零花钱更多的用在了包包鞋子化妆品上,男孩子呢,可能钱都砸进了游戏里的各种装备和皮肤,如果能戒掉这个瘾,绝对可以省一大笔钱不是么!
  还有很多人,尤其是我们的家长同志们,就是懂得勤俭持家的那一类型,会有savings account,而且会有记账的习惯(keep track of your expenses, so that you can have a better control of your savings.)还会制订一个monthly budget,这样钱花在那里了都比较有数,而且不会go over budget。
  当然,还有很多同学提供了比较奇葩的招数,比如每个月爸妈给的pocket money到账后,先放到女朋友那里存起来,大家纷纷表示羡慕嫉妒这位小兄弟,找了位持家的另一半。还有说最好的存钱方式,就是“跟女朋友”分手,因为他觉得女朋友这种生物是世界上最费钱的物种了…… 嗯,好吧。

  I guess the most effective way to save money is to get rid of some expensive habits. Actually, I’m not the kind of person who likes to save money, plus, my pocket money is not that much, so by the end of every month, there would be nothing left. But one time, I had my eye on a really cute but costly handbag, I didn’t think it would be a good idea to ask my mom for the money, so I decided to come up with a plan to save some myself.
  Um… first, I did a little analysis of where my money goes each month. Usually, I spend my pocket money on things like snacks, ‘cause I’m a huge foodie and I have a sweet tooth. And of course for a girl, I’m crazy about make-up and fancy clothes, so every time I go shopping, I would “go bankrupt”. And also, my school is a little far from my place, and it’s not on a bus route, so every day I need to go to school by taxi.
  So you see, if I want to save money, then I have to cut down on all these costs. So the next month, I didn’t set my foot in a shopping mall, not even once! And I only bought one bag of sweets at the beginning of the month. The hardest part was, I had to walk to the nearest bus station every morning, which means I needed to get up way earlier than before. I’m not a morning person, so that was quite a torture for me.
  But it turned out it was all worth it. I saved almost 500 RMB that month, and surprisingly, I lost 5 pounds, which is definitely an added bonus. So I guess it’s not just a good way to save money, but also a perfect way to lose weight.

